Chapter 10

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Ok. Sooooooo as you all know. I'm not the best when it comes to updating. I wasn't motivated and I really need to be. I know what I want to write. But I don't know how.. that is why, I would really appreciate it. If someone would like to help me with this story. I would be both motivated and get it done.

Also characters might be a bit OOC... it's been a while since I watched the anime and I need to catch up again. Well. Thanks to quarantine I'll be able to do it. And write some fan fictions most likely while I'm at it as well.

All the girls in your crew were on guard holding their weapons, watching as the yellow submarine began to get closer towards your ship. You sat there watching, not making a move to pick up your weapon and fight. You felt no absolute need too.

Soon the yellow submarine was close enough to board your ship. All the girls were still on edge waiting for some sort of attack. After a few minutes later two men in white jumpsuits came out of the hatch. You couldn't see any of their eyes for they were covered. One wore a hat that said penguin on it and the other wore a green hat.

"Captain wasn't kidding a crew full of women! I think I'm in heaven! I would give anything to be on that crew!" The green hatted one stated in a swoon, while his companion agreed with him full heartedly. You couldn't help but look at them both like they were idiots.

"Captain! They are making fulls of us, and disrespecting women! Permission to execute!" Haruhi yelled asking as she was shaking with her weapon in hand. Being an Amazonian Woman will do that to you some times, at least you guessed it would. The boys began to look scared as them looked at you for mercy. Since they were clearly outnumbered and everyone else, including their captain was still in the submarine.

"Permission denied. I understand where you are coming from but, their isn't a need to fight. So lower your weapons." You sighed as you stood up to look at the boys. In response the men thanked you greatly as your crew lowered their weapons begrudgingly. "Now. What purpose do you possibly have to stop besides us, much less sail next to us." you demanded as you glared at the men, holding a demanding stance as your (h/l) (h/c) hair flew with the wind behind you. To then men and your crew, you looked truly beautiful.

"Sorry for our rudeness Captain (Y/n), it's just our captain, Trafalgar Law, would like to have a word with you privately. So he sent for us to get you." The guy with the penguin hat explained all of a sudden bowing apologizing while forcing his friend too as well.

        Immediately your crew went ballistic and started to scream at them.

        "If your captain had any decency he would come aboard our ship to talk with our captain!"

        "Whatever your captain has to say he can say it in front of all of us!"

        "There's no way we will let have our captain that easily!"

        You sighed with a smile on your face seeing how much your crew loved you and were grateful towards them. You then looked over at the males as the still bowed but very nervous about the situation at hand. With another sigh you screamed out, "That's enough!" Quickly silencing the yelling of your crew and they all turned towards you.

        "I'll go to meet with your captain." You declared saddening your crew. You then turned to look at them with a reassuring smile. "I'll be fine I promise. Sure men are pigs, but they aren't all that bad." You stated, jumping over to the other ship. "Take care of the ship. Nick, you're in charge. I'll be back in a while"

        The two man looked at you with smiles and blushes on their face as they quickly started showing you the way to their captain's office. They opened the hatch for you, allowing you to go in first. And you took them up on their offer.

        Once in, you began to notice how hot it was down here. Instantly feeling bad for the poor bear you remembered seeing at the slave action.

        "Our captain is this way, Captain (Y/n)" One of them stated as he began walking once when he knew he had your attention, and you followed.

        "Please there's no need for that. I'm not your captain. So call me (Y/n) or Siren." You said with a closed eyed smile, not realizing that you made the other two men blush.

        The walk wasn't awkward at all. You first began to apologize for how your crew had acted explaining that some where from an Amazonian tribe and others abused by a male figure. You also got to learn their names. Penguin, who coincidentally wore the penguin hat, and Shachi the red head with the green hat. They would crack jokes and tell you lame pick up lines that made you laugh.

        But all good times must come to an end and now it was a time to talk business. You were now faced with a closed door that lead to the Captain of the Heart Pirates study. Shachi has opened the door for you and allowed you in, before he closed the door once again behind you.

        You looked around and the room looked quite normal. There was shelfs upon shelfs of books. Because of his field of choice, you automatically assumed that they were books about the medical study. There weren't any windows though, but there were both lanterns and lights hanging from above.

        In front of you there was a desk, covered to the brim in papers and books, and behind that pile was the Surgeon of Death himself. Trafalar Law. He sat there, staring at you with a smirk on his face. It slightly annoying you, but you weren't going to allow him to see that it did. You wanted to know why he wanted to speak with you. And he had every advantage to this conversation. You weren't about to give him more.

        "Why did you want to talk with me Trafalgar." You demanded looking at him straight in the eye. "Whatever you had to say, you could have said it in front of my crew."

        "You're wrong Miss Siren, this conversation involves an agreement between captain's, not your crew." He said as he stood up and started to make his way over towards you.

        "My crew has the safe respect they give me. Their opinion matters to me." You replied crossing your arms over your chest standing your ground as you looked at him straight in his eyes. His beautiful mesmerizing golden eyes.

        "Siren. This is a discussion between captains. Have your crew in mind than. But I will still need your answer" He replied coming closer. He was one foot away from you, almost towering over you. He was trying to assume dominance over you and you didn't like it.

        "Get to the point already old man." You replied annoyed not nothing to cover it up. Then man wasn't much older than you, only by a few years. But it still ticked him off and you were a bit happy about that. You placed your hand on his chest pushing him away from you, slightly fan girling inside as you could feel how defined his chest actually was.

        Law started at you for a moment dismissing the comment you had said earlier. He now wore a smirk on his face as he grabbed your arm and pulled you in closer towards his chest.

        "I want to make an alliance with you Siren." His smirk growing as he noticed the slight blush on your face.

        "Wait? What!"

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