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EmeraldTK: *enters stage* HELLO EVERYBODY! And welcome... to another imterview with the Sonic cast, today we will be interviewing the cast from the HeartBroken universe! Thank you all so much for participating. We don't have much questions so I had to make up some... because it doesn't matter if we have three questions because that won't stop the fun at all! Now please welcome... Amy Rose!

*crowd applauds as Amy walks up to the stage and sits in sofa, EmeraldTK sits in the other sofa*

EmeraldTK: Hello Amy how are you?

Amy: I'm good thank you

EmeraldTK: So the first question is from CupcakeZone who says... QUICK! Think of five cheesy pick up lines and say them in a romantic way for my entertainment please!

Amy:  You got it! It's been awhile since  I said anything stupid and flirty

EmeraldTK: And guys actually fell for it?

Amy: Every time.

Amy: OH I GOT ONE! .... Are you my big toe? Because I would bang you on all the furniture in the house

EmeraldTK: pffff *bursts into giggles*

*audience laughs*

Amy: Is that a mirror in your pocket? Because I can see myself in your pants!

EmeraldTK: Amy what in the world where do you get this stuff from??? DX

*audience continues to laugh*

Amy: I ain't stopping there Emerald! Are you a campfire because you're hot and I want s'more

EmeraldTK: I can't.

Amy: Oh here's a cute one.... If I had a dollar for every time you ran through my mind... I would have one dollar.

EmeraldTK:       .....  :| .....

Crowd:       :|

Amy: Because you never left!

*crowd cheers*

Amy: Hey, do you have a library card? Because I'm checking you out!

EmeraldTK: Well it's good to know that Amy is better than half the guys at my school.

*audience laughs*

Amy: I still have more!

EmeraldTK: Save them for Shadow.

Amy: ..... :( .....

EmeraldTK: Hey I got one!  Is your name Ariel, because I think we were merMAID for each other! AHAHAHAHA *laughs at own joke*

Amy: ...

Crowd: ....

EmeraldTK: HAHAHAHA g-get it??? B-because Ariel is a mermaid...? And maid and made sound the same? Made for each other? No? Not funny? ???? :(

Amy: Eh... don't worry Emerald I will teach you

EmeraldTK: Maybe some other time... we have more questions... oohh this is a good one... I'm saving that one for last. For now answer this... how are you and Mina getting along?

Amy: We're defiantly more mature. I still don't like her though and she still doesn't like me, we fight over other stuff than guys, she's not even interested in Shadow anymore...

EmeraldTK: Good. And how about Tikal

Amy: *chuckles* She still has that restraining order

*audience laughs*

EmeraldTK:  I actually find it quite hilarious that over all things you could have done... you gave her a restraining order! What would you do when you find out it's over?

HeartBroken (ShadAmy): The Mini SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now