Well Frick

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 Warning this chapter is boring lool the next chapter is better but I'm not spoiling it, gosh I don't think I'm going to write another mini series again lool. Do you guys even like this mini series?  It's okay if you don't I mean I tried to update it before I update the next chapter of Royal Love. Anyway. Enjoy!

-Normal POV-

It's day two and after a long night everyone slept in, however they had to be up before ten-thirty because that's when the gang hits the road once again. Buuuuut it's 10:30 right now so let's see what they are up to. Amy and the girls are still tired and wasted over all the trouble they caused the other day, Amy and Rouge wore sunglasses in attempt to hide their shame. The boys however seemed to be fine, tired but okay once they got a good breakfast. While everyone was getting the cars ready Fiona took this time to speak to Scourge one last time, she walked up to him, hesitating every two or three steps.

"Oh hey, where were you last night?" Scourge questioned.

"I was just out with the girls, we did karaoke," Fiona shrugged, Scourge nodded and turned to his phone.

"Hey.... so I've been thinking. Since we obviously don't agree on this relationship, should we even be dating in the first place?" Fiona asked, Scourge looked at Fiona for awhile as if he's analyzing her.


"I mean do you even care about me? You seem to hooked up on other girls. Should we just call our relationship quits?" Fiona asked, she had enough playing around, she wanted to get right to the point.

"Well Fiona it's hard to call quits on a relationship we never really had," Scourge shot her a mocking smile and a shrug, Fiona was heartbroken, words couldn't express how shattered her heart is. She felt a lump form in her throat and tears start to well up in her eyes, he never cared, he doesn't have a heart, I see his true colors now. Fiona thought to herself. And without another word spoken she ran off and stood beside Amy who was just checking her social media feeds.

"Yo we should do karaoke more often, we should invite the guys to join to it would be hilar-- hey are you okay?" Amy stopped her sentence and examined her friend who's on the edge of tears.

"C-can I stay with you guys this time? I don't want to be in the same car as Scourge," Fiona's voice cracked as she spoke. Amy knew something was up with Fiona, at first she thought of just switching off one person in the car to get Fiona in but it might actually be best if the girls all stayed in one car because it might be a bit embarrassing for Fiona to let everything out in front of one of Scourge's friends. So it was settled, the girls in one car and the boys in the next. Fiona explained everything to Amy, they hugged and Amy listened to Fiona cry and everyone comforted her.

"It's okay Fiona sweetie, you deserve way better," Rouge reassured her, Fiona sat in the middle of the back meanwhile Amy and Rouge sat on either sides of her, Blaze was in the passenger seat meanwhile Maria heard the whole conversation as she drove the car.

"I-I don't even know why I'm crying.... he's such a jerk!" Fiona sobbed, Amy rubbed her back for comfort.

"It's okay.... Scourge is gonna get it," Amy stated.

"What?" Rouge wondered.

"You guys didn't think I would forget to do pranks, did you?" Amy grinned, Fiona broke away from Amy and wiped her tears.

"What are you planning to do?" Blaze smirked as she turned to look at the rest of the girls.

"I'll explain later... let's just say Scourge will get it worse than the rest of the guys," Amy hinted with a smirk.

"Yessss! I love it when you pull pranks on other people aren't me," Rouge grinned, although it was true, when Amy messes with people it's hilarious.

"We shouldn't be thinking about that stuff now, we should be thinking about ways to make Fiona feel better," Maria reminded them.

"I'll go on a diet!" Fiona exclaimed, Blaze and Maria laughed but Amy looked back at Fiona with disgust.

"Ew," Amy commented, Amy for one doesn't understand how people eat salads and crap everyday, instead she eats the way she wants to which is mainly unhealthy.

"What? Mina always talks about going on diets so I'm guessing if they are that good then I will too," Fiona defended.

"And you actually took advice from Mina?" Rouge questioned, for a moment there was pure silence within the car.

"You're right screw this," Fiona chuckled, the rest of the girls laughed, Amy quickly got bored and started to color in one of the color books that was brought to keep everyone occupied.

"What were you planning to do on that diet anyway?" Blaze asked.

"Eat salads and drink smoothies," Fiona shrugged, already getting bored with the topic.

"No, no, no, no, no Fiona! You were thinking all wrong. What you really have to do is bring cakes and crap to your friends, so the fatter you get, the skinnier you will look. That's how you diet," Rouge stated.

"Rouge!" Maria gasped.


"So all those times you brought us donuts and cupcakes you were dieting?" Blaze exclaimed then looked back at her stomach in shock, Amy chuckled.

"I don't mind really, free food is free food," Amy shrugged as she continued to color.

"That's cold Rouge," Maria shook her head.

"Hey it works right?" Rouge smirked at her friends.

-With The Boys-

The boys rode way differently then how the girls did, their music blared in the car and they were occupied on their phones, Scourge, Sonic and Silver sat in the back while Knuckles was behind the wheel and Shadow rode shotgun.

"No, you're an idiot if you think that Daniel plays better than Timmy," Knuckles grumbled.

"Daniel is way better!" Sonic defended.

Okay they are just talking about sports, which to me is boring. Commence time skip.

-Fiona's POV, 8:20pm- (Yes I decided to skip all the way there... got a problem with that)

By the time we got to Maria's cabin all the girls were tired! We made a few stops but that didn't stop everyone from complaining, even I was complaining, after all that walking around and running on the beach I sure need a long nap. Amy wouldn't tell us what she was planning but she went to a nearby library during one of the stops, she at least told me she photoshopped a picture and printed a few things, she also bought an envelop, really strong glue and sparkles. Amy is planning something and I can't wait to see what it is. I didn't pry anymore because Amy is absolutely cranky when she's in a bad mood, so she changed and went straight to bed. Where did the boys go you may ask...? Weeeeelllll Maria has two cabins, one for her family and one for when her friends would join her on holidays. Maria of course didn't trust the boys in the family cabin so they stayed in the other one.

We are finally here, now all that's left to do is enjoy this March break. As hard as it may sound for me I know I can enjoy this without Scourge. All I have to do really is trust my friends.

GUYS I know this is boring honestly I ran out of ideas and I actually sort of explained myself in the beginning of the chapter if you read it.... the Royal Love update (hopefully) isn't as crappy so please just be patient. Thanks until next time, stay tuned!

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