Pranks Part One

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For those of you waiting for the next chapter of Royal Love I am so sorry it is taking so long and I thank you all so much for your patience. But perhaps when I upload it will be worth the wait..... anywayssss that's enough foreshadowing. Enjoy!

-Maria's POV, The Next Day-

"Are you sure it will work?" I questioned, Amy and I are currently outside the boy's cabin. We already knocked on the door but now we have to wait. Amy already explained the plan to us, now all we have to do is put it in motion, we have to be sneaky.

"Of course just try not to do anything stupid," Amy shrugged, before I could say anything the door flew open, Shadow was the one who answered the door, he looked rather tired but other than that he seemed okay.

"Morning love," Amy greeted him cheerfully.

"Hey... what are you two doing here?" He asked before rubbing his eyes. 

"I just wanted to come by to see you. Maria on the other hand wanted to lecture Scourge on how to treat his girlfriends right," Amy explained, I looked at her angrily with wide eyes. That was not the plan! I mean I know part of the plan was to find Scourge's room and I guess she made my job easier but she could have been more realistic. I mean why would I lecture someone? Other than Rouge and Amy I never lectured anyone else. Except Sonic. And Knuckles. Gosh this list could actually go on. Amy gave me a reassuring look so I dropped it.

"Scourge's room is the second door upstairs on the left. He's showering right now so you can just wait for him outside until he comes out. Then you can hunt him down," He told me, I smiled and nodded while taking all the information in. I brought the spare keys to the room so as long as he isn't naked when I get in there slipping in and slipping out will be easy.

"Okay so you gonna let us in?" Amy asked, Shadow moved out of the way and we both walked into the cabin. Did I mention that I have a bag?  Well I have a bag and it's with just what I need with it. Amy walked into the kitchen with Shadow and while they talked she successfully distracted him. Great. Now to get prank one started. I set up four tiny hidden cameras that were already on into different sides of the room and I took my envelope filled with a surprise and put it on the coffee table faced down. Now for Scourge's room. I stealthily sneaked up there until I reached the second door on the left. I can still hear the water running from out here. I unlocked the door with my key and got in with a smile. Since Amy said that she wanted to prank Scourge even worse than the rest of the boys for Fiona's sake  I really didn't mind doing this. I didn't need to set up cameras for this prank but it would defiantly be funny to record. What's this prank you ask? Weeeeell all I have to do is hide a bunch of alarm clocks in his room. They all wake him up at different times but the best part about it is one alarm clock doesn't turn off. We rigged it so if you press the button it will stop but after two minutes it would go back on and annoy Scourge. Best part about it all is that we heard Scourge is sleeping alone tonight so the only one who would be suffering is him.  But before I could start doing anything I need to check to see if Scourge is still occupied. I tip toed to the door and pressed my ear against it to listen in.

"Woooooooaaaaaahhhhhh! We're halfway there! Woaaahh! Living on a prayer! Take my hand and we will make it I sweeeeeeaaaaaarrrrr! Woaaaaaaahhhhhhhh! Living on a prayer!" I put my hand over my mouth and silently giggled into it. It's a good thing Amy isn't here because she would probably be uncontrollably laughing on the floor the loudest she could. I am halfway there though, I could be screaming right now and I don't know if I could keep my laughter in. But instead of continuing to listen to Scourge's attempt to sing I decided to  start hiding the alarm clocks. One under the bed. One in the closet and the special one in the drawers. Perfect. Suddenly I heard the door start to jiggle. No. I didn't even realize the water stopped running till now! Do I make a run for it? The door is still open goooo! I ran out his room with the door open and got ready to run downstairs but that's when I felt someone's body bump into mine, causing me to fall on my butt.

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