Two Different Crowds Special: Reunion!

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If you hadn't read Two Different Crowds go ahead. Thank you all. Now here we go!


-Amy's POV, Years Later-

"I hate being here so much," Shadow grumbled as I held his hand while we walked down the street. It's been years since high school has finished and Shadow and I are married with two kids. Right now, we aren't in Mobius but we are in Earth again and we are aware about our fans and that we were in television shows and video games again.

"Come on... we needa get the kids a souvenir. Just ignore the roaring fans awaiting to mob us outside the souvenir shop," I say in a sweet tone as I smile a bit too cheerily. "We should just get them some Sonic action figures and get out of here."

"No! Why a Sonic action figure? Let's get them a Shadow action figure instead," Shadow tells me with a grin.

"Shadow, they don't have any Shadow action figures in here. Why does it even matter?" I question.

"Ha! I bet they don't have any Shadow action figures in here anymore because they're sold out. It's tough being so famous sometimes you know," Shadow smirks as he strokes his ego. I roll my eyes and grab two Sonic action figures.

"No! Hey, maybe we can look around in a different shop? Or maybe ask the shop owner? Maybe he has some more some more in storage," He pleads as he fights me for the action figures.

"Did you call me?"

"Aaaahhh!" Shadow and I scream simultaneously. We turn to see the shop owner right behind us. Shadow lets go of the action figure and I put it back.

"You scared us Mr. Shoe," I tell him.

"Sorry it's just that—I really love you guys! I'm a huge fan!" His eyes sparkled with amusement as he stared us down.

"You've mentioned that Mr. Shoe. Thanks for kicking everyone out the store so we can shop in peace by the way," Shadow thanks him. Which is ironic because we thought that having everyone kicked out the shop for a few minutes would guarantee our safety and peace but instead here we are being creeped out by this creepy shop owner.

We love our fans, we didn't kick them out because we didn't want to see them. In fact, at the last few stores we went to, we didn't think about kicking them out. Unfortunately, because of that we were mobbed. Taking body guards everywhere doesn't sound fun so we decided we will just ask the shop owners for some peace and quiet so we can hurry and return to Mobius to our kids.

"Of course, of course," He nodded. For about a long fifteen seconds he stood there. We expected him to go away but he just awkwardly stood there smiling at us.

"Well we'd like to continue shopping now, haha," Shadow says nervously.

"Oh right! I should leave you alone now. Silly me! Haha! Enjoy yourself!" And with that Mr. Shoe left.

"He's such a weird guy I can't wait to get out of here," Shadow whispers.

"Yeah let's just hurry and pick something. Maybe another a Mario hat for our son and a princess Peach crown for our daughter?"

"No, no. Let's get them some T-shirts, we never got them that last time," Shadow tells me. I nod my head and head over to the T-shirt area.

"Hey there again!"

"Aaaahhh!" Shadow and I scream in unison once again. It was Mr. Shoe again.

"Look at us bumping into each other all the time haha," He joked.

"Mr. Shoe I—"

"Anyways, I was wondering if I could have your autographs? Please, please, please, please, please, please?" He pleaded. I can't help but roll my eyes. I don't want to be rude to my fans but it has been a very long day and I am really tired.

"Sure. Why not," I say anyways. He hands both of us a pen and shoves two papers in our faces. We quickly sign and give back the papers.

"Thanks guys. It really means a lot," He smiles, we smile back at him for awhile but our smiles quickly fade when we realize he is just standing there staring at us once again.


"Right, right. I will leave you two to shop.....................bye now," He leaves. Shadow and I turn our attention back to the T-shirts. We both picked up two animal crossing shirts for the both of them and two Sonic X sweaters that have a bunch of Sonic characters on it including Shadow and I.

"This should be fine now," I tell him.

"Yeah, let's hurry and get out of here," Shadow agrees.

"Purchasing already?" I hear a loud voice from right behind me which caused me to jump.

"Follow me to the counter then—oh wait. Before you leave, would you mind if I get a picture with you two? It's for my daughter, she's a big fan ha-ha," Mr. Shoe suggests.

I look at Shadow who honestly looks so fed up. He finally takes a very deep breath and closes his eyes, once he reopens them he looks at Mr. Shoe with a dull expression, back at me then back again at Mr. Shoe and gives him a shrug.

"Sure, let's hurry up," He states. After Mr. Shoe takes a good couple thousand of pictures with us, he finally allows us to buy what we need and sends us out. As soon as we open the doors a mob of fans crashes into us. Shadow fought everyone off.

"I know a good hiding place!" He yells.

"Well then what are we waiting for?" I shout back. And just like that he picks me up bridal style and runs off, beating everyone who dares to chase along. He made sharp turns around corners every time he could until he finally cut into an alley, everyone running behind us ran past the alley, totally missing us.

Shadow set me down.

"Oh, thank goodness you guys are here!" We hear a familiar voice breathe. We turn around and smile to actually see Rouge's face instead.

"Those fans are crazy," She exclaims.

"Tell me about it," I sigh.

"Tell me about it," Shadow repeats.

Suddenly Sonic pokes his head up from a garbage can he was hiding in. "Tell me about it." He says.

"Sonic... why?" Was all I can say to him.

"Yeah Sonic, why are you hiding in a garbage can, what's wrong with you boy?" Shadow questions him with a very confused expression.

"Sonic... why?" Rouge repeats.

"....It felt more comfortable in here..." He mumbles.

"Because it reminds you of home, doesn't it?" Knuckles asks as he also pokes his head from the trash can right next to Sonic's.

"Speak for yourself!" Sonic snaps right back at Knuckles' face.

"Maria, Blaze and Cosmo said they will be here with some bodyguards soon," Rouge informed us.

"I hope we don't miss the meeting then," Shadow says. There is a quick fifteen-minute meeting before we go home anyway. About ten minutes later the girls appear with a bunch of bodyguards behind them. They escort us to a limousine. Before we start driving I hear fans screaming again but look to see them chasing Mina instead.

I grin and shrug but let go of all the anger I held against her and open the door up for her. She quickly runs in the limo and gives me a sweet but confused smile.

"Make room for us too!" Silver and Tails get in as well. Mina finally turns to face me.

"Why did you do that?" She asks. I shrug.

"Because despite our differences in high school, that was years ago. We're both married with kids now. I will be angry at you for different things now because we still are so different but for now I do not have anything against you, Mina," I tell her truthfully.

"Me too. Thanks," She says. She holds out her arms as if she was waiting for me to hug her.

"No," I say.

"Yeah me too," She puts down her arms and breathes out a sigh. We finally both erupted with happy giggles on the way to the meeting.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2017 ⏰

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