Part 2

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What Sapphire had found was interesting, to say the least. It definitely answered some questions she had been wanting to ask.

Question one: What was Weirdmageddon?

That she had found almost immediately in the article. Weirdmageddon was an apocalyptic event that had only happened inside the city of Gravity Falls. It was to combine another world with the "real world", and for the culprit of it all to become one of a higher existence. It's own "weirdness barrier" prevented any monsters from escaping into the rest of the world.

Question two: Who caused it?

Sapphire had soon found out that the person, or thing that caused Weirdmageddon was a strange being named Bill Cipher. She leaned he was also a dream demon. Being a demon herself, and a royal one at that, it was her job to know of every demon. At least, all the ones that are registered. Some demons stray off after being first born, and no one will know if they're a demon until they do something hellish. But the purplette had never heard of him before. Maybe that was because he was from a different world. From what she knew, she hadn't ever heard of demons from another world. Only the ones from earth. She decided to do more research.

Question three: What happened to bring the plan to its demise?

Apparently, it was the Pines family, with the help of their friends and townsfolk as well. According to the article, their friends had helped stall Bill and his monster friends using the Mystery Shack and various parts from previous adventures. While that had been going on, the Pines and their friends tried to use the zodiac circle to defeat Bill, but it was of no use. Bill then trapped their friends, and trapped both sets of Pines twins. But somehow, Dipper and Mabel were able to escape and lead Bill away long enough for the elder twins Stan and Ford to come up with a plan. That plan was to switch places and let Bill into presumably Ford's mind, which then they would erase Ford's (Stan's) mind, along with Bill Cipher himself, ending Weirdmageddon and sending all monsters back to their own worlds.

This was quite a lot to take in. Sapph even had to read over the article a couple of times to completely register what it said. Even though the whole event was over, she still couldn't help but feel for the people of the city. That must have been awful. Traumatic, even. But she didn't believe that Bill Cipher was completely gone. If he were really the immortal, all-seeing dream demon, there's no way he could have just been eradicated just like that. There had to be some way he was still alive.

If Stanley Pines had regained his memory of all the things that were erased, perhaps that meant that Bill was brought back as well. Not to mention that simply being erased by a memory gun or whatever wouldn't do the trick.

But as long as Bill wasn't causing trouble, there wasn't any need to worry about it. So Sapphire closed out of her computer, setting it away on the bedside table of her room. There was still a couple hours left of daytime, so she figured to explore the town with what time she had left. Not to mention that she needed to buy food for her sister, and various other things that the more human sibling would need.


It had been a couple hours now. Sapphire had gotten a good supply of food and drinks to last a couple weeks before having to go back to the store again. She had seen a bit of the town so far, mostly the market places and some restaurants. But she still wanted to explore a bit more before heading home for the night. First though, she had to drop off the groceries at the house.

She unlocked the door to her home, opening the door and peering around. Juliet was no longer on the couch, and her purse was gone, meaning that she was probably off to work. She worked at a strip club outside of Gravity Falls, near the previous town that they had inhabited. Why Juliet had wanted to follow Sapph and live with her was beyond her knowing.

Julie had it good before Sapph had appeared back in her life. When the younger twin was given to the humans, she had been adopted by a wealthy family, almost as wealthy as the Northwest family. Being that Julie still had demon genes in her, she aged incredibly slowly, and had to always find a way to move in with the next wealthy family who bought the mansion when the previous had moved or died. But for some reason, despite her prim and proper household, Julie always wanted to break away from it and do what she wanted. She always broke the rules and performed only the most inappropriate of acts. Sapph had then ventured into that city, and they had met up by accident. They befriended each other for a while until they noticed their resemblance, got a blood test done, and found that they were indeed twins.

Backing away from the brief history lesson, the purplette put all the groceries up, grabbed a blood bag (succubi (and demons in general) could only eat other humans, and/or drink the blood), and quickly drank it before throwing away the empty packet. She got a flashlight since it was getting dark, threw a thin jacket on, and out she went to go explore the more hidden parts of Gravity Falls.

(Canon x OC) Bill Cipher x Sapphire: Back AgainWhere stories live. Discover now