Part 7

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//This part is gonna get a tad smuttier than usual, has mentioning of/attempted rape in it. Proceed carefully! It's also pretty long too.

"Another deal? Are you insane?" Sapph blinked, furrowing her brow as she sat on the edge of her bed with arms crossed.

"Yes, Princess. We've went over that." Bill sighed in annoyance, tipping his hat. "But I'm being completely serious here. Do you want to make another deal or not? I promise this one won't be long-term like our current one. Just a small.. Favor, to ask of you."

".. It depends on what you mean by that. What do you want?"

"I want a vessel. Get me a body!"

Sapph's eye widened and she scrunched up her face, "Excuse me? A vessel? What the ever living fuck do you need a vessel for? I know for damn sure that you don't need one for anything."

"Sapphie, if you're going to trust me on anything, it should be this. I need a vessel. And I happen to know that you can make one for me. You're too much of a wuss to steal one for me, so making one will have to be the next big option." He explained, crossing his legs mid-air. "I need this vessel to make living with you more bearable."

"What? If anything, it's unbearable to live with you! I'm not the problem." She scoffed. "I won't do it."

"Huh, that's a shame..." Bill trailed off. "I could give you anything you want."

".. Anything?"

"Well, almost anything. Yes, I thought we discussed this."

Sapph hesitated, looking off out of her window to the darkened trees outside. Finally, she gave into his offer, slumping over, "Alright, fine. We can make another deal. But I can't promise I'll get your body done ASAP. It takes time to gather the right materials and parts for a body, and a lot of energy and power to put it together."

"That's fine. I've got time. Now your end of the deal?" He asked curiously, leaning in.

"Hm.. Well, body-making is hard and tiring, so I'm gonna ask you something a bit big. At least, to me it's big..."

"Well? Get on with it!"

".. You need to be my husband."

".. What? Are you serious?"

Sapph's cheeks flared up and she pouted, "N-Not actually! Just an act.. Just to get my fiancée to go away..!"

Bill paused before he began to laugh, holding his hands to his stomach? As he did, "Oh right! I completely forgot about that! You and Esperanza, huh? Am I right?"


"She still hasn't given up on you?"

"Not quite..."

Flashback time; years ago when Sapphire was only ten, she was arranged to be married to another succubus named Esperanza. Now that wouldn't be such a problem at first, because the girl genuinely liked Esperanza. That is, until she began to know the real her. Esperanza became much more violent towards Sapph, and showed traits of other abuse like mental, physical, verbal, and many more. She also would guilt-trip her many times and manipulate her. That was the main reason Sapph could never bring herself to fully leave Esperanza when she still could have; because the other claimed she only hurt her because she "loved her". She was obsessive and possessive. Sapph later discovered that the only reason Esperanza still wanted to marry her was because she could be part of the royal family. Then Sapph had left to tend to her succubus duties above Hell, and has been trying to hide from Esperanza for a long time. It was only recently that the girl discovered that she could get out of a marriage if either one of the partners died, or one of them fell in love and married another instead. And there was no way that Sapph would kill Esperanza.

(Canon x OC) Bill Cipher x Sapphire: Back AgainWhere stories live. Discover now