chapter o1

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chapter one
"did I mention,"
- vocalpeter
dedicated to: furandleather bc Alina and Kat got along or something.
this is the only first person chapter because we hate writing in fp.
also very short bc it is the first chapter oops.
follow: katsoffish on Instagram for cool things


[ Junior Year ]
[ Carlos de Vil ]
[ First Person ]

School is fantastic, don't get me wrong, but to wake up at 6 am on a Monday? It's torture! I'm supposed to get a solid 9 hours of sleep, but with after homework, fashion and design, and fluffing the furs in the wardrobe took time. I can't just go to bed at 10 pm, I'm still studying for chemistry!

And, of course, with Mal, Evie, and that baboon suddenly on my case, I never seem to find anytime to myself.

"What're you mumbling about over there?" Caleb yells, I swear, this kid has no sense of silence for his own good. As I turn around I shoot him a glare, and he receives the message as he continues typing away whatever on his laptop. Poor kid, he should learn by now I won't actually hurt him.

"Honestly, I think you might," Brody intervenes, his voice bouncing around in my ears.

"Get out of my head," I yell at him as he walks through the opened room door. He was wearing one of the shirts I designed for him and a pair of black skinny jeans. Typical and lazy.

"Just block me off then, kid," Brody says as he sat down on my bed with that cocky smirk on his face. I simply roll my eyes at him and go back to working with the old box on my desk.

"What is that?" Caleb asks as he saunters over to lean on my chair. I glance up at him, that perfect jawline of his will be the death of me. Shaking my head, I look back towards my box as I grab a screwdriver.

"This is the compass that led us straight to Maleficent's castle," I tell him. He went to touch it, but I swatted his hand before he could. He gave me a scowl before retreating his hand.

"Carlos!" I glance over and see Caiden in the doorway, her hair a mess of purple and green goo on her once silver strands. I heard Brody laugh and Caleb chuckle as she stepped in, her once designer leather a mess of sticky blue glob.

"What happened to you?" Caleb heaved, doubling over. Caiden hissed at him before turning back to me.

"Mal messed up some dumb spell!" She yells, obviously startling a few students passing by the doorway. "And now I look like a flubber project gone bad!"

"And what do you want me to do?" I ask, giving her a glare as I rearrange the wires in the box.

"Fix it!"

Glancing over into the hall, I saw the glimpse of blue and pink pass by. Of course, they're still at it. After a year of being blown off my so called "friends," you'd think they'd stop trying to get E back in the field of good.

"Caiden, you really need to stop hanging around Mal and her pesky fiends," Brody says before I can, obviously getting into my head before I can even open my mouth.

The glob covered girl sighs, slouching her body as she pulls the mass off her leather jacket and throws it over her shoulder. It splattered on a boy's leg and on the wall, but he didn't seem to mind. Not that much anyways.

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