chapter 10

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chapter ten

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[Third Person ]
[ Dark Eyes ]

"Boys, go get help," Calista demanded, her eyes tearing up and staring dangerously at Carlos.

"What? But they'll find th--,"

"I don't care! He just killed my brother!" Calista yelled, her voice cracking as she looked down at Brody, who's blood had already gone cold.

Carlos laughed again, using the red spirals of magic to bring him the staff to lean on, a too calm expression on his face. He rested a hand on the staff, his opposite elbow on top and his wrist supporting his chin as he smiled lazily at his sister.

"Oh, Calista," Carlos murmured, watching closely as the three boys ran back down the stairs with recklessness. "Where has your evil spirit gone?"

"I didn't agree to this," She retorted, and he barely grinned before standing up straight again. "All you said was hurt others, not kill our own brother!"

"He was getting in the way of the plan," Carlos defended with a weak shrug, kicking at the staff and swinging it in his hand. "And now that you've decided to send your toys off, you've gotten in the way too."

Calista made a run just as Carlos threw the staff in her direction, the wood splintering into the wall and falling into pieces. She quickly jumped over the railing, Gina and Ally shrieking as she came landing down on the counter of the bar.

"Get out, go back to school!" Calista ordered, ducking when a sofa came crashing down next to her, the springs popping through the cushions. Gina gave a quick look at Calista before grabbing onto Ally's hand and dashing out of there.

"You know, fighting me is just a waste of time," Carlos said, hopping down from the balcony, landing with a heavy thud. Calista hurried off of the bar and around the corner to the back rooms.

As long as she kept him moving he'd use his energy. As long as she kept him moving.

"Calista," Carlos said in a sing song voice, "Where are you my dearest sister?"

She hurried into a hallway, sucking in a breath when she realized it had no exit but the door at the end. He was going to see her, going to-

"There you are!" She whipped around and saw him a few feet behind her. She gulped before taking quick steps, her hands on the walls for support as she kept glancing backwards to see him.

Carlos was definitely small for upcoming sixteen, but that didn't mean he was any less dangerous. He was smart, cunning, quick, and now he had the powers of himself and his brother at his will.

"Come on," he said, a teasing tone in his voice as he began to take large strides down the narrow corridor. "You know you won't get away right?" Calista looked over her shoulder in time to see Carlos smirk, his teeth ultimately sharper and his eyes ultimately darker. the black liquid seemed to be clouding the whites in his eyes, dangerously close to his glowing red irises.

Calista opened the door before Carlos could move his hand up, and she began sprinting as soon as she slammed it shut behind her. The fences around the warehouse were tall and detailed with barbed wire at the tops. She was blocked in until she made it to the front and left through the gate, but that would take a lot of running, even in the space they were in.

Once she heard the push of metal yards behind her, she gulped heavily and her heart began pacing in her chest again. She was not going to let him touch her, use her, hurt her, again. She pushed herself further, her feet hurting once they began pounding down on the hard pavement.

"Calista!" Carlos called out, running after her, using his strength against her as he sprinted with ease.

He was gaining on her, and she knew it, so once she hit the gate with her body, she didn't slow down when pushing it open and darting down the street towards the city.

It was just her and Carlos, the city streets at their wake and all the energy they were willing to sacrifice to get what they wanted.

Calista kept running, kept lifting her feet from the pavement and bounding forwards. Head thrumming with fear and heart beating so fast it was hurting. She was fearful of crying, of letting her tears slow her down. She just wanted to get away - away from the memory of her mother in her older brother.

*      *      *

[ Rottens & Royals ]
[ Joy Rides and Car Jives ]

Mal and Evie sat up front in the large black van, Jay, Chad, Ben and Jane sitting in the back and peering out the windows. In the city, the rain was pouring violently now, not a single day of sunlight peeked through the mass of dark clouds.

"So where's thi-,"

Mal was cut off when she slammed down on the breaks, as leak of black jumping up onto the windshield. The dark figure quickly clambered off of the windshield and slid off the hood, a bolt of red lightning flashing before everyone.

"Get out, get out, get out!" Mal ordered, struggling with her seatbelt as she watched Calista jump and dodge a red, thorny whip held by Carlos, who was covered in splotches of red himself.

All jumping out the van, the six stood watching as the rain downed on them. Calista was exhausted, it was evident, and Carlos was not giving up anything. Too determined, too focused, too keen on killing.

"Get her out of the mess, get him sedated before anyone finds him," Mal demanded, raising her voice above the loud precipitation. Evie nodded, already mimicking Carlos and creating her own weapon of blue swirls.

Jay went straight to Calista, who ran right into him trying to escape. He caught Carlos' eye right away, but that wouldn't do much.

"You can't get in the way," Calista said, her hair sleek and pointed in a mess of tangles. "He'll kill you too!"

"Doesn't matter, you need to get out of here while Mal and Evie handle everything," Jay ordered. Calista let out a choked sob before she ran off again, Jay hot on her heels.

They heard a loud explosion from behind them, and turning around Jay saw Ben, Chad and Jane running after them, a hint of fear and excitement clear on their faces. It didn't last long, however, when Jay got a glimpse of the large, purple and green scaled dragon breathing fire down the street.


"Fucking, run, dumbass," Jane yelled, everyone staring as she sprinted past everyone in the maze of alleyways.

Chad even let out a small chuckle at how the words just came out of her mouth.

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Small Authors Note:
I honestly hate writing this now because I don't have anyone to give the appropriate feedback. Don't get me wrong, I love when you guys ask me to update my stories and tell me what's good and what's bad and comment your thoughts on characters and scenes, but I feel like I'm missing someone to give me in depth feedback about the plot and the character arcs and all that. So far, this book is waaaaay past the plot line that it was supposed to have, and I don't like writing without a plan ):

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2016 ⏰

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