chapter o8

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chapter eight
big bad villain
- katwritings

this took way too long to actually write kms

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[ core four ]
[ + royals ]

Perhaps it had been the idea of ultimate power among others that had Carlos feeling more red, more cruel, more evil. Perhaps it has been the weather that made him feel the need to be dark and murderous. Or perhaps it had been the idea of using his fear against others to make them cower beneath him, stoop down to his level and grant him his wish of superior pleasure.

Or maybe it was the spell Brody had over him that made him a sadistic little shit to everyone just because he can, but he won't ever admit that's the reason his so much stronger.

Carlos was standing tall - as tall as a 5 foot  4 in teenager could stand - as he stared coldly at Evie, at the way her eyes were chilling and her hands were a blue hue holding the chains as they seemed to be as light as a feather in her hands.

The chains rattled as it hung in the air like an upside down fishing line, the metal hanging high in the mist past his eyesight and away from curious eyes and fearful peers.

"Carlos, this is not what you want to do," Audrey warned, approaching him with - believe it or not - a pink, thin wand in her hand with a white, bright bulb at the end. He smiled coyly at her, an eyebrow easing as he glanced over his shoulders to Ben and Jay who nearly flinched at the eye contact.

"And what do you and that petty stick have against me and my power?" He asked, his eyes flooding red as he turned to look back at her, smiling with sharp teeth at the way she stiffened and glanced at Evie.

"Carlos, come on, this isn't something we want to do," Evie argued, her hold on the chains - the chains that held Mal from flying away - tightening when she felt a sharp pull on her magic and the metal.

"If it's not what you wanted, then why did you go to it as a plan?" Carlos smiled wickedly when he saw the blank expression in response, and he grinned when he felt Princess rub against the back of his leg. He smirked over to Audrey, an idea sparking in his mind.

"It's what you made us come to," Jay chimed in, scared of how Carlos looked at Evie, afraid at how he noticed the twitch in his fingers, all out relieved when he finally - final-fucking-ly - saw those white, sharp, perfect teeth reflecting back at him and not his friends.

"You mean it's what you thought of first," Carlos said, his hand unraveling themselves from the leashes of his dogs, Princess leaping happily at he space and Prince standing his guard behind Carlos.

"You know we wouldn't have done this if it weren't for your benefit, 'Los," Ben piped in, and Carlos stared him down, Princess understanding the situation and already stalking towards him, her teeth bared as slobber coated her snout, and dark red piercing her eyes. Carlos took a dangerously slow step forward.

"Yeah?" He asked, bending down and unhooking Princess from her confinements, "Because this would most likely be for your benefit, for the kingdom's benefit." Carlos took another soaring glance at Audrey before lifting his hand with stretched out fingers and a flame of red igniting at the tips.

Jay had no idea what he was doing until he heard the strangle, the whimpering and then looked at Audrey, her face red as a shadow seemed to wrap itself around her neck, keeping her from air, and killing her as it wove around her arms.

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