chapter o2

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chapter two
cruella III
- katwritings


[ Carlos de Vil ]
[ Third Person ]

Strolling down the campus, Carlos felt a breeze blow past him. The smell of icy peppermint filled his nostrils and his eyes watered at the intensity. Turning on his heel, a shiver ran down his spine as a brunette stood there, clad in black leather with a lace mask over the top half of her face. Her lips a dark maroon red and brown and lashes thick and bold.

"My, my, Carlos," she said, her voice soft and silky in his ears. He remained standing there, tense and cautious as she stepped closer. "Mother said you grew up like her, but I wasn't expecting this."

"You're Cruella's new daughter?" He questioned, crossing his arms as he looked her over again. Her hair was long and healthy, thick and curly, the strands at the very end turning the white like Carlos'. "You're just so-"

" Much older? I know," she muttered, standing in front of him with a hand on her hip, the other by her side. "Cruella made me her server after the kid sweep. Heartless woman she is."

"Why'd it take so long?" He asked her, getting a confused look in return. "For you to make it to Auradon. I thought you would've come at least last year."

"Magic is hard to come by at the Isle! No thanks to you brats for heightening the strength of the force field," She snapped, smacking his hand as he went to brush off a stray hair. "And, I can't learn Weird Science after blowing up the lab! So, creating another glitch in the dome was incredibly hard!"

"Everything alright over here?" Both teens turned to look at Prince Ben as he strolled over, his hands shoved in his blazer pockets. Carlos spared the girl a glance, almost laughing at how unimpressed she was.

"Peachy, now scram," she hissed, pointing to the building with her black nailed finger. He gave Carlos a nod before walking off, joining Jane and Lonnie instead.

"Rude much?" He chuckled, his eyes crinkling in the corners. And she just rolled her eyes before pulling off the mask. He studied her face. Round with high cheek bones and a strong jawline, her curly hair started right from her roots, growing out and framing her delicate face. Her nose was curved almost sharply in a round button shape as her lips were full and plump. She had almond shaped eyes, a delicate hazel colour under her black makeup.

"Whatever," she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. "You just grew too nice being around all these prissy, pink, princesses."

"Evie's a princess," Carlos defended, a smirk on his face.

"She's not pink, is she?" The girl shot back, gaining a nod and a smile from Carlos.

"So, do I get a name from you, or shall I just continue to call you Cruella Number 3?" Carlos joked, putting his hand out. She took it meekly, her nails sharper than they looked.

"Name's Calista, but Cruella called me 'Cat,'" She said, shaking his hand before pulling it back.

"Why a cat?" He asked, motioning for her to follow him as he began to walk down the sidewalk.

"When I was younger I used to knock things over and off the counters," She said, running a hand through her hair. She squinted as she looked around, seeing the faces of everyone.

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