chapter o7

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chapter seven
bad moon rising
- katwritings

I've been shit at updating this oml.
I have all the chapters finished and shit but I never update oops

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[ Core Four ]
[ + the royals ]

They were standing on the edge of the Enchatned lLake, their breaths mingling with the wet air as the thunder still continued. The flashes of lightning kept Audrey on her toes and next to Evie.

Jay was holding onto Carlos' sticky, pale, black covered body as he dipped a foot into the water. He shivered, anyone could see that. The damn weather was no help to the problem as it contiuned to pour rain, the thunder loud and raging.

He wasn't three feet under until Carlos was already waking up. His mouth moved and incoherent words spilled out as Jay held him all the more closer. Ben had arrived by then with Lonnie, Jane, and Chad in tow, Doug huffing and out of breath from the run.

"What happened back there?" Mal whispered when Ben stood behind her, his hands on her shoulders.

"A girl was murdered in the bedroom," Was all he said before they heard Jay trying to ease a very tense Carlos who was shaking and thrashing in the water. Chad hurried into the water, not even caring for his clothes, Lonnie following right after.

"Carlos, buddy, calm down," Jay tried assuring once Lonnie and Chad were behind Carlos and holding him so he was upright in the water and in their hold. "Come on, you gotta wake up."

Carlos let a strangled sob as he rested his forehead on Jay's shoulder absentmindedly, his mind still stuck in the thought of subconsciousness. Jay let a hand rest on the curve of Carlos' back, running down his spine the way he knew Carlos liked.

Then it got eerily calm, the rain pattering on the rain. Carlo's breathed evened out and the black liquid was seizing in increments, as if it was a powder dissolving in the water. Jay looked down at him as Carlos looked more lively, looked not dead.

"Chad?" Lonnie gripped into his arm, looking up at the moon as the clouds rolled passed it. Chad looked up as well, seeing the beginning of a blue hue to start on the edge, a shimmery glow cascading down into the water.

"Jay?" All eyes turned to look at Carlos as he finally woke up. His large brown eyes were stuck on Jay's until he let out a surprised squeak and pushed away from him, falling into the water.

Lonnie, Chad, and Jay were quick to go pull him back up, Carlos spitting out water at them and shaking.

"What the hell happened?" Carlos asked, looking between the three before looking at the others on the platform. "Why the hell are we here? What's going on?"

"Carlos?" Carlos jerked his head in Mal's direction. "What's the last thing you remember?"

Carlos scratched at his head for a moment before coming to a horrifying realization. "Cal and Jeanine! I remember seeing them in the alley!" He went to run or jump or jolt to somewhere else, but Lonnie had a good grip on him. "Let me go, where are they? Are they okay?"

"Carlos!" Everyone exclaimed. He shivered at the loudness, and probably the cold water.

"'Los, that was more than four months ago," Evie said calmly. Carlos looked over at her in disbelief before shaking his head.

"No.. No! This is a dream. I'm going to wake up and I'm going to see Cal and Jeanine fine and okay and-"

A clap of thunder startled everyone and Carlos whimpered as he leant back into Lonnie's touch.

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