chapter o6

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chapter six
- katwritings

I'm covered in glitter (some is stuck on my tongue), I still need to shower (it's 3 am when I wrote this k?), I have a project to finish (about the holocaust), I've read 20 teen wolf aus and 5 shitty jaylos books. someone kill me pls

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[ Night of Events ]
[ Third Person ]

After Ben had left the room with a wave and a quick look over his shoulder as he shut the door, Jay finally felt relief spread over him as soon as the prince was gone. The more time he had time alone with Carlos, He could at least attempt to try and figure out what was going on with him.

Staring up at his ceiling, Jay smiled when he heard the creaks from across the room. Meant Carlos was still there, that he wasn't dreaming, that he wasn't just wishing that he could have Carlos back in their bedroom together like it should be. But Jay flinched when he felt a cold touch on his hand and looked down to see Carlos standing there, his features darkened as he blocked the light from the window.

"'Los, what-," Jay was cut off when Carlos nudged Jay over and curled around the older boy under the covers. Being much smaller than Jay, Carlos rested his head on Jay's chest with one arm tucked under him and the other over Jay's torso.

"Too cold," Carlos mumbled, nosing under Jay's jaw. And Jay, instinctively, brought his arms to wrap around Carlos, pulling him all the more closer. And Carlos almost grinned against Jay, but he bit down on his lip and stared off at the wall.

"Carlos?" Jay found himself saying, his voice quiet Carlos could barely even here him as he looked up at Jay.

There was a loud clap of thunder and Jay saw the expression on Carlos' face: Concern, confusion, and curiosity.

"What's wrong?" Carlos asked, the lightning strike from outside illuminating the room for a brief second.

"What's the last thing you remember?" Jay asked, his hand curling around Carlos' as they both lay there.

Carlos stiffened at that and laid his head back down on Jay's chest. There was a long pause before Carlos again. "I can remember a lot, Jay," was what he said. "And I don't know how I did any of it."

"What do you mean?" Jay asked, scooting up on the bed to rest against the headboard. Carlos swallowed.

"I threatened Evie, I challenged Mal, I kissed you, I'm the superior twin now, I have.. I had power," Carlos said, his voice quiet as he never moved off of Jay's chest and fisted the sheets tightly. "I did a lot worse, Jay. A lot worse," Carlos admitted, finally sitting up and looking alert as he sat in front of Jay.

"Like what?" Jay pressed, not seeming to understand what problems Carlos caused.

"I hit my sister. I psychologically tortured students, teachers, professors, hell, I got my own family to surrender under my order," Carlos explained his voice too calm to his own ears.

"C, that's nothing to worry about. It's all gone and done," Jay said, pulling Carlos so the young boy had his back against Jay's chest.

"But if I remember so will they," Carlos said, his voice wavering as the lump in his throat grew.

"Then we'll get Mal to make them to forget, easy peasy," Jay suggested, smiling against the back of Carlos' head and giving him a light kiss. "Now go to bed, I'm pretty sure everyone is dying to see you at breakfast."

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