chapter o3

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chapter three
fudge mix
we have been trying to find jaylos stories and they are either poorly written or iN SPANISH THEFUCK

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[ Fam Bam ]
[ Third Person ]

Cat stood before everyone, her dark lips pressed in a smirk on her round face as she looked over everyone. Mal glared at her as Evie and Audrey hid behind her, Jay stood next to Ben who was looking around the room, Chad was holding Doug back as he was curled up next to Jane and Lonnie.

"It's cute that you think you can just waltz in here," she said, her hands on her hips as she took a step closer.

"What makes you think we can't?" Ben huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. Jay found it impressive that he took the entire situation in his hands.

"Because you're nothing but a bunch of p-,"

"Shut the fuck up," Brody snapped, not moving from his spot. Cat looked at him before picking up a book and chucking it at the bed. It hit him in the back of the head and he jolted up, glaring at her.

"Shut up! I'm trying to intimidate the intruders!" Cat yelled, gesturing to the group with her leather clad hand.

"Yell at them later! Carlos and I have shit to do later!" Brody argued, resting on his elbow against the bed. Carlos groaned and sat up, rubbing at his eyes. "Look what you did, you woke him up!"

"That was you!" She barked back. Mal was trying hard not to smile at the banter while Jay had his hand over his mouth to stifle his laughs. Chad was biting his lip as everyone else just kept watching.

"You're so loud Mom could probably hear you!" Brody snarled, rubbing at his temple as she rolled her eyes and recoiled from her threatening stance.

"Cruella can't hear for shit!" Cat defended, throwing her arms up.

"None of us will if you keep yelling!" Carlos piped in, getting Cat and Brody to turn around. "Finally, Cat go back in the vents and bother someone else, Brody go back to sleep." Brody just shrugged before laying flat on his face. Carlos stood up from his bed, Mal and Evie noticing the overt large jersey he had on.

"Sorry you had to listen to all that," Carlos said groggily, a warmth spreading down Jay's chest as he heard him talk. "Family banter is usually not as loud."

"Can you guys clear out for a second?" Mal asked, looking at Jay and Evie to stay as everyone else opened the door and left. "Ca-,"

"Don't bother, Mal," Carlos stuck up his hand to her. She glared at his pale palm before looking at him as he lowered it. "I get you're still trying to figure things out, but just get over it and leave me alone already."

Jay watched him closely, taking in the details he hadn't noticed before. The stiffness in his voice, the tense jaw movement and the red glimmer in his once chocolatey brown eyes. He fucking knew it.

"Doesn't mean we're going to stop," Jay objected, taking Mal and Evie by surprise by his tone of voice. Carlos looked up him expectantly.

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