chapter o5

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chapter five
intoxicate me now
- katwritings
I made the cover (:
( Peter wrote the smut bc I can't even )

• • •

[ Carlos de Vil ]
[ Third Person ]

Carlos never left his dorm after his moment.

Okay, yes he did, but that was only to get to his classes and stay in later during fashion and design class so he could bring in his (Evie's actually) finished project. Though it was originally blue, Carlos found the material to add his signature red, black, and white colours, the cape elegant over the shoulders of the mannequin. But, all that had been during the passing minutes of classes and lunch, which Carlos never went to anyways.

So, once he left the room, he managed to grab a quick snack, being something out of the hands of a passing student, and retreated back up to his dorm. He gave it a thorough scan. Nothing out of place. Nothing touched or tampered with. And he smiled as he walked over to his bed and sat down right in the middle.

And just as he was closing his eyes, the door burst open and he let out a groan as he ran his hands over his face. "I don't need to deal with your petty problems until later, so be gone you child," he spat carelessly, not even glancing up to see who it was.

"And miss this month's shipment?" A voice sang as she shut the door with her foot and skipped over to his bed. Carlos perked up at that and smiled at the blonde haired girl standing at the end of his bed with a small box in her hands.

"Oooh, I'll be taking that," he voiced, leaning over to grab at it, but she yanked it back and he fell flat on his face against the mattress.

"Ah, ah, ah," Ally tsked as she sat back down. "I want my payment first." Carlos rolled his eyes at that.

"You children not respecting your elders," he mumbled, rolling off the bed and onto the floor where he plopped down on the floor with a thud. He reached under his bed and grabbed an unlidded box. He picked it up and dropped it on the bed, smirking when he saw the way her eyes scanned over all the golden watches and silver necklaces. "Take only one, and I will see if it is payment enough."

Ally nodded enthusiastically as she poked and touched and caressed every last piece of jewelry she could see. The chains were silking under her fingers, and as soon as her eyes locked with a medallion of pure beauty she was hooked right away. She picked it up, inspecting the golden pressed hat at the end of a golden chain and she beamed.

"This one," she practically whispered, looking up at him as he smiled at her. Carlos nodded and she squealed before leaping up and running towards the mirror. Hooking it around her neck she smiled at him in the reflection before waving her goodbye and left.

As soon as the door shut, Carlos dropped his smile and tucked the jewelry back under his bed before pulling the covers down again. Sighing heavily, he picked up the box that Ally left for him and opened it without care. The contents were more than what she had last given him and he sat back up on his bed to look them all over.

Two mini Jack Daniel's, one mini bottle of smirnoff, a bag of LSD, and a bottle of sleeping pills. at the very bottom.

Just as he was about to grab for the sleeping pills, the door opened again, and Carlos froze thinking that he got caught. But instead he was greeted with a very pale faced Prince Charming as he stood in the doorway. Carlos eyed him over once before looking at the box he managed to cover by laying over it, then looked back at him.

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