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Chapter 1 – Transitions

“Are you ready for this?” Kurt asked as he took Blaine’s hand. They were standing out the front of William McKinley High School.

“As ready as I could ever be,” Blaine replied and took a deep breath and started towards the front doors. Kurt smiled softly and let Blaine pull him towards the two big doors. “Courage Blaine” Kurt whispered so only Blaine could hear who gently smiled back at Kurt

Today was the first day of school. But not any first day of school, this was the first day back for Kurt who was returning to his old school. He wasn’t alone either. Over the holidays Kurt had convinced his new boyfriend to transfer from their old school, Dalton Academy for Boys to William McKinley High.  Blaine had been a little weary about Kurt returning to his old school after what he had faced before he moved to Dalton. Kurt’s problem was still at McKinley but hopefully with two openly gay kids at the school would reduce the tormenting and bullying.

The corridors were aligned with people going through their lockers. Kurt recognised most of the faces but there were still a few unfamiliar faces, new students. “The admin is straight down there and then to the left,” Kurt told Blaine. “I’ll see you at lunch” And with that Kurt gave Blaine a quick kiss on the cheek, while no one was watching and walked off towards another corridor. Blaine stood alone in the corridor and sighed. He took a breath and headed towards Admin.

Administration was only a small room. Blaine quietly walked to the front counter. “Hi, I’m new. I was wondering if I could pick up my timetable.”

“Yes, I’m guessing your Mr Blaine Anderson.  This is your timetable” the office lady said as she pointed towards a sheet of paper. “Homeroom is in the math block –  classroom 17. Here I’ll get you a map” The office lady got up and walked into another room. This was the first time Blaine could actually take in his surroundings. He looked down the hallway from which he came. The bell had gone so most people were in Homeroom. Every so often someone would run past, obviously late.

Blaine returned his gazed to his timetable when the office lady came back in with the map. Blaine thanked the lady and headed of towards his first class.

Kurt had only left Blaine for a minute, but already it felt like he had been split into two. He hoped Blaine was okay. He opened his locker which he had been given back on his return to school. He looked through it. He piled his junk into it, thinking he’ll sort it out later, but grabbed out his photo of Blaine (in the Dalton Academy uniform) and newspaper collage (which spelt out ‘Courage’)and pinned it to the inside of the door.  He also pinned a few photos of his friends at Dalton Academy and the prized Warbler that had died and brought Blaine and Kurt together.

Just as he was closing the locker, he was attacked by his friends. All the girls grabbed him and hugged, while the boys tried not to laugh as he uncomfortably tried to all hug them back without putting creases in his clothes.

“Welcome back, Kurt! We’ve missed you!!” Tina cried out with joy.

Rachel had grabbed Kurt and was already trying to find out what Dalton had planned for Sectionals this year. “Look this is the first day back to school, I don’t know what they are planning. They would have deceided today.” Kurt sighed. He had forgotten how competitive Rachel was. Mercedes was staring at Kurt. “What is it Mercedes???”

“Where is he??? When do we get to officially meet your boyfriend?”

“He’s gone to Admin to get his timetable. He’s new so they couldn’t mail his timetable out. Seeing’s they know my address, I got mine in the mail. You won’t see him till lunch unless you’re in his classes” Kurt sighed knowing that Blaine wouldn’t be in any of his classes till maybe after lunch, “Brittany, can you please stop hugging me, your ruining my shirt”

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