The Promise

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Blaine and Kurt were sitting at a table at breadsticks. It has been over 2 months now since the 2 boys had begun school at McKnley. They were celebrating there 3rd month together. This was their longest relationship they've been in.... well its the only relationship they had been in.... not counting Kurts massve crush on his step-brother. They were looking into each others eyes. Nothing  needed to be said. With sigh, Blaine looked down and grabbed Kurts hand. "You know that i mean every word when i say I Love You. You move me Kurt, your my inspiration and i dont think i could live a day with out you."

Kurt smiled, "I love you too." Blaine grabbed something out of his pocket of his coat. "Well, i know we are to yuong to get married and i think we still might be to young to be engaged so here" Blaine pulled up a small basic ring, "Its a promise ring. I promise that i will love you until the end of my days. But hopefully by then we will legally married and you wont need this stupid ring."

Kurt squeeled and snatched the ring out f blaines hand and shoved it onto his finger. He then strategically climbed over the table and onto blaines lap, kissing him. He didnt care who saw he loved this man with all his heart. Blaine laughed between kisses. "So i guess thats a yes to the promise."

"Yes, yes, yes!!" was all he could make out whilst he was being kissed. 

Blaine paid for the dinner and dragged his boyfriend out of the restrurant and drove him home. Burt, Carole and Finn were all home when they arrived.. "Burt, Carole i'm not good with saying thank you and i struggle to find words to describe what i mean so can i please sing your family a song to express how much i thank you for letting me stay here." asked Blaine

"Sure, son" Burt replied. Both Kurt and Blaine were suprised that he classified Blaine as a son. Blaine smiled and nodded. The whole family sayt down on the couches. 


I've heard the word before

It's never meant much more

Than just a thing I've never had

A place

They say, hey, know your place

But I've never had a place to even know

Or a face that I could go to

If I needed someone there...

I'm laughing

It's hard to hide a smile

My god, it's been a while

Since I have had a reason to

To think

It's been here all along

Somewhere to belong

And a reason

A something to believe in...

I've finally found it

A place where I'm wanted...

This must be how it feels

To have a home

I used to dream about it

But never schemed or counted

On fantasies or wishes

It breaks a man to see what he misses

And so many nights I'd pray

For a better life, and a better day

But I never thought that it'd come true

It's finally here and I don't know what to do...

And I'm trying not to cry

This must be how it feels

To have a home

I've finally made it

I've hoped and I've waited

And for the first time in my life

I don't feel so alone

My heart starts to heal

To know this is real

This is how it must feel

To have a home...

Blaine nodded as he finished the song. Burt whispered something into Caroles and she nodded. They both stood and smiled. "Blaine, welcome to the family, this is your home now." And  with that Carole grabbed blaine and pulled him in for a group hug. "Thank-you," Blaine replied laughing and hugging back. 

"So i guess we should let you unpack." Burt smiled.

"Unpack???" Finn finally spoke.

"Yes, Blaine the guest room is now yours. We thought you would only be staying for a little while but its been over a month so i believe you can stay. "

"Thank-you i dont know how i can thank you more" Blaine smiled.

"You can do one thing for me? Look after Kurt and don't hurt him because as i am his father i can't save you from me." This made everyone laugh. Blaine grabbed his one suitcase and his guitar that he had stored off to the side while he had been staying on the couch and walked into the guest bedroom downstairs. His boyfriend ran in behind him and started to unpack for him. He grabbed out some photos and started to tape them to the walls. They were pictures of his sister, the warblers they left behind and pictures of him and Kurt together. "Kurt, we don't need to rush."

"Yes we do. If we unpack all your stuff then you have to stay. Dad can't take back what he said."

Blaine laughed, "I think he was being serious. I'm staying." Blaine closed the door before grabbng his boyfriend and pulling him over to the double bed. Blaine switched on the tv using the remote on the bedside table and started to play one of his most favourite disney movies, the Little Mermaid. He lied down and Kurt lied next to him cuddling, his head on blaines chest. They lied there watching the movie neither wanted to move. Kurt felt blaines chest hum. Blaine was quietly singing the songs with the movie.

Look at this stuff, isn't it neat, 

Wouldn't you think my collections complete? 

Wouldn't you think I'm the girl, the girl who has everything.

Look at this trove treasures untold, how many wonders can one cavern hold? 

Lookin' around here you'd think, Sure, she's got everything.

I got gadgets and gismos aplenty, I got whosits and wotsits galore, 

You want thingamabobs? I got twenty, 

But who cares? No big deal, I want more.



To Have A Home - Darren Criss

Part Of Your World - Little Mermaid

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