Love who you want

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"Blaine, please, please wake up" Kurt was by Blaines bed in the hospital... he hadnt slept in days. The bags were growing under his eyes and he hadn't left blaines bed unless it was a necessatity. Most of the time his father would bring him food or he wouldnt eat. Milo returned to school and every afternoon after he would bring Kurt the work done in class and sit with him. Blaines problem never changed. there was no sign of life other than him breathing. 

"Kurt, you're going to school tomorrow, you need to get out of this room" Kurt looked up from where he was lying. His dad had silently snuck in. Kurt nodded his head, he ws to tired to fight. None of Blaines family had come and seen him. After being disowned, it seems even devin was banned from seeing blaine.. did they even know what happened do they know hes in hospital. Kurt stood by blaines bed. he lent over and kissed the sleeping boys head and left. it felt like his dad's heart attack all over again.


it felt weird being back at school. Kurt was basically healed. Milo's voice still hadn't returned and the doctors were worried it wouldnt. he carried his whiteboard every where he went. it was getting closer to regionals and if milos voice and blaine didnt wake up shortly they woulde have to sacrifice there parts for regionals which most likely will be picked up by berry who was not happy with not getting a solo. each day milo would try to talk but nothing would happen. 

Kurt  felt relief wash over him as he walked into the school with milo. after telling the police at the hospital what had happened Karofsky and his friends were caught. they were suspended from school until the decision come across with expulsion or not. One of the problems was that it happened outside of school and out of school times.  For now at least Kurt and Milo could walk down the halls of the school without being scared.

rehearsels had begun again and the new directions were down one people already. luckly while kurt had been away the boys had found a recruit. he was a new transfer named, Micky. this boy was shy and didnt speak much at all.. he seemed just to sit and sway with the music. Kurt was annoyed that they had replaced blaine but until he was better they needed a fill in. Milo, however  had the courage to speak.. well write.. to him. the boy didnt really talk he just nodded. After school was finished, Milo went to the library to check up on some school work when he saw Micky sitting in the corner reading a book.  Milo walked up and wrote on his white board.

i love that book, i use to read it all the time.

"you did, its really good this is the first time ive read" Micky looked up to see a shocked look on milos face.. Micky like never talked before. Milo stuttered... "we'll i have the rest of the series you can borrow," Micky's eyes lit up, he leapt up and grabbed milo into a hug. "wow calm down i only said u could borr...." then it clicked.. Milos voice was back.. it sounded weird but soon he was hugging and quielty laughing with micky. "you are my good luck charm" Micky blushed and looked down at his feet and coughed slightly, Milo quicly pulled back. wow that was awkward. "i'll bring you the rest of the books tomorrow" He smiled and micky nodded. Milo quickly turned and walked out of the library.. he better start practising again for regionals.


the school bell rung for home time and kurt knew what he had to do. as much as he hated he had to do it. instead of heading to the hospital he took his car and drove it to the andersons. He knocked on the door fingers crossed that Devin would open the door but he wasnt that lucky.

"What the hell do you think you're doing here, disgracing my property." Mr Anderson yelled.

Kurt flinched but held his ground.. he saw Mrs Anderson coming to the door and Devin at the top of the stairs. "Sir, its about blaine" Kurt was trying not to cry, trying to be strong. "He's in a coma." Devin ran down the stairs and threw her arms around Kurt and started crying into his shoulder. The parent looked a little confused and then they realised what he had just said. They grabbed their jackets and locked their house doors.

Devin rode with Kurt in his car to the hospital. And ran straight into the room. The parents they talked to the doctor before sitting down in the chairs just outside the room. Kurt left to grab and coffee and when he returned Devin had come out and his parents were in the room with Blaine. Kurt sat down next Devin and gave his coffee to her. She looked up at him her eyes red and puffy. "thank you for coming and getting us.. you are a mirical" Just as she finished that sentence there was a squeal from inside the room. Both devin and kurt ran in to see Mr anderson holding blaines hand and blaines eyes flutter open. the doctors rushed in to check his vitals and make sure hes ok then they were left with him. before kurt realised.. the andersons were leaving the room. Mr anderson squeezed Kurts shoulder and gave him a polite nd and left. it looked as though he kind of smiled at kurt. when they had left Kut returned to blaines side and took his hand. the short boy looked over at him. "what happened" Kurt smiled up at him and explained the situation. "i heard my dads voice, he told me he understood and told me i should love who i want...thank-you" was the only reply blaine had before he fell asleep. Kurt went to move away but blaines hand clasped around his.

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