The Stars

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I opened my eyes. I tried to get up but couldn't. The wolf helped me up and I tried to focus my eyes and backed away from the wolf,"who..who are you?" The wolf responded, "Pandora..but you can call me Pan.. I heard screaming and tried to see if anyone was alright." I looked at him and said,"i-im..quite alright." I began to fall clumsily but before I fell Pan caught me,"are you sure?"

"I-i need to lye down for a bit." Pan layed me down carefully,"so, what happened?" I looked at him with my eyes now focused he was a nice shade of white and had a mark around his eye that was blue and orange that sort of symboled a drawing like a pan or headphones. Pan looked at the cloth tied around my eye and reached towards it,"oh..let me see here.." I widened my eye and smacked his paw away from the cloth.

"Ow." Pan looked at me with amazement thinking why would I do that but he gave a smile like he respected it. "Sorry..i-." "It's ok I've been smacked a few times already." Pan said helping me up. I stared at his eye,"what's that?" He hid it and spoke,"if I tell you would you show me yours?" I gave him a grin,"no." He turned around to face me,"oh well was nice meeting you.. " I saw him leave the cave and off he ran up a snowy hill to the top of the cliff.

I followed him up the cliff and saw him taking out a book of some sort and began writing in it. I approached him and placed my paw on the book,"whats this?!" He looked up at me and gulped,"'s nothing." I stared at him and grinned,"it looks like something."

He sighed and said,"it's my drawing journal..I always come up here and draw the stars." I looked up at the stars and saw two stars close together. It mad me think of the two wolves, Zack and..the wolf with scars. I smiled and looked at Pan.

He smiled and began drawing. "Ca-can you draw me those two stars?" I said pointing at them. "Sure." He said while smiling. Then.. suddenly.. I heard a scary noise. Pan looked at me and saw that I had a scared face and he laughed. "Why are you laughing?? Did you hear that? What was it?" I questioned quickly. He couldn't stop laughing but he finally pointed at my stomach,"Y-your hungry!"

I stared at him confused,"is it suppose to do that?" He stopped laughing,"are you serious?!?.. Of course!!" I looked at my stomach, "oh." He ran off down the cliff. I looked down and yelled,"WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" He kept running like he didn't hear me. I sat and waited.. I looked at the journal and walked towards it, I decided to have a peak..

I saw that he drew the two stars I had asked and.. I saw a drawing next to it, it was a wolf that looked like me. I thought why would he draw me? But I wasn't going to ask. He came back with a seal and put it close to me. I looked at it and slowly ate it, then I ate it quickly. Pan stepped away scared with a shocking face. I looked at him and laughed, he started to laugh too.

"Hold up..I'll be back." I told him. I ran down the cliff and toward my den. I grabbed my picture and put it in my bag. I ran toward the cliff and climbed up. "I'm back..." Pan looked at me,"that was fast." I took out my picture from my bag and looked at it, looking at the wolf I thought was my mate. I saw Pan looking at me and he ran towards me."No!"I said.

He pounced on me making me let go of the picture and I looked to the side of was going to fall off the cliff! I kicked Pan off and ran towards it I reached my paw out to grab it but it fell. "Noo!" I looked down as it was falling. I thought.. that was a leap to my death! But that was the only way I could know for sure who that wolf was. I jumped off the cliff going towards the picture I tryed to speed up to where the picture was at and I grabbed it. I didn't think I could do it but I grabbed it! But I was falling..falling! To my death.

I was scared.. I hoped I would be alright. I closed my eyes and I felt something on both my sides. I opened my eyes I was floating above the ground..was I dead?? No, i-i.. I was flying. "Whooo hoo!" I yelled in excitement. "I'm flying! I'm flying!" I lost control and was going down and I landed on Pan. There was a loud, thump! "Ow!" I got off Pan quickly and helped him up,"sorry."

He looked at me with amazement. "What's wrong?" I asked. "You have wings!" He said. I looked at my hideous demon wings and closed them, the wings vanished through my skin. "I have wings too!" He said in excitement and opened his wings. I grabbed the picture and saw that it had cracked. "Oh no." I said depressingly. "Whats wrong?"questioned Pan. " TH-THIS IS YOUR FAULT!!" I yelled at him waving the picture. "If it werent for me you wouldn't have known you had wings or that there's a note behind the picture!!!" He yelled. "Note??" I said looking behind the picture.

I grabbed the note and read it.
Dear Mage,
Hope all is okay with the demon problem. I promised I'd help out by going to Hades to talk to him about changing all of us to normal wolves since you wanted that. But it seems impossible. I hope we can tell Zack the truth when the time comes that he is a demon. I love you and Zack very much and won't let anything happen to you guys but I can't work alone going to Hades. The journey will be hard.
Love, Scar

I gasped. "What's it say?asked Pan. " I can trust you? Right?" I asked him. "Of course." I handed him the note and he read it softly. He looked at me and said shockingly,"your..your..a demon?!" "Yes." I said sadly. He walked towards me and put his paw around me, "I'm an angel." I looked at him and sniffled,"r-really?""yeah." He walked towards his journal ripped out a page and gave it to me,"here..the two stars you asked for remember." "Yeah..thanks." I said smiling.

"Hey..can you help me.." I asked him. "With what?" He asked. "Can you keep secrets?" I asked. "Of course." He said with a calming voice. I began to tell him about my visions and my memory lost going on and on and on. He had a depressing face and looked at me,"how can I help?" "But not now." I replied. "Ok but we need to get some rest." He said. "Ok." I said yawning.

He layed down and fell fast asleep. I layed down and looked up at the two stars, smiling..then I fell asleep. I dreamed about the vision again about Scar and me attacking the three headed wolf and I was whining in my sleep. BAMM! I opened my eye quickly but saw blurriness and heard a ringing in my ears, I tryed to focus my eye but couldn't...

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