The Soul Spirit

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I looked around to see who or what was making that noise. "Who's there!?" I shouted,"show yourself!" "Ha ha ha..." I heard the voice chuckling. Was it making a mockery out of me? Did I look foolish to it, just looking around for nothing? "I can hear your thoughts you know?"the voice said. I looked up and saw a bright wolf, with symbols on it with full diamond colored eyes, on a branch looking down at me,"your friend here is confused you see?"

I looked at Nibbles, his head was a bit tilted and he rose an eyebrow up,"who are you talking to?"he asked. I looked back at the bright wolf who came down from the tree and was crouching, head down,"you know.. I'm surprised you can see me.. Your different.." I saw him disappear, I moved back and felt something soft and quickly turned around. It was Pan,"you scared me but I'm glad I found you."I said hugging him,"where's Rai?" I asked.

He looked down at me with mouth opened and started to cough,"are you ok?!" Pan now fell to the ground, face down still coughing, "w-what h-hap-pen?" "I don't know."I said panicking. He turned to face me and he started to cough out blood,"di-d you g-ive me t-he curse??" I looked at him shocked,"no!" I looked at Nibbles who was standing near me,"help him..I have to talk to someone.." I turned around and saw the bright wolf on the floor, he too was coughing out blood I approached him with anger,"WHAT DID YOU DO?!!" I howled three times. I looked around and saw Rai, Mayle, and Mangle already coming.

The bright wolf looked up at me and whispered,"I forgot..he was an angel." "What?! Did you go inside his body?!" I asked angrily. The wolf smirked at me,"yes..took you long enough...I was with you guys the whole time." "Did you give him the kiss curse?.. I'm not going to lie that's pretty g-" I was cut off by the wolf,"What no! I can posses bodies but I'm a demon one knew what I was and no one noticed just different.."

The bright wolf went up the tree and layed on the branch looking down at us and snapped. I looked at Pan and he instantly stopped coughing, "I'm good now..who were you talking to?" I looked at Pan, Nibbles, Rai, Mangle, and Mayle with their confused faces."You can't see him?!" I asked shockingly. I looked up at the wolf and asked,"what's your name?" "Phantom."He said.

"By the way if you ddidn't know I was the voice who was haunting you and helping you and hurting you and your pack.." I looked confused for a moment but realized he was right, "you were talking to me when I was trying to figure out who the wolves were in the picture, you were the one who gave me the hint about the S.S.S, you were the one who gave Mangle the necklace to hand it to me, you were the one who entered Rai's body!" Phantom smirked at me,"yes and I was in Mayle's body too, so I can make you jealous of Pan, that's why you saw them split up because Mayle didn't know why she was with him."

I looked at him with anger. He came down from the branch and was circling me,"you see.. I tried to help you but you ignored so I got payback.." "I'll KILL YOU!!" I said rushing towards him. "I would like to see you can't touch me."he said smirking. I ran towards him and pinned him down and growled at his face,"Oh really?!" He looked at me amazed then he vanished. I stepped back and felt something behind me I turned around and saw him. "Howl three times if you need me or come back to this spot.."he said then disappeared.

My friends looked frightened,"did you hit your head or something?"Mayle asked. "No..I'll explain when we get to the den."I said. We walked through the forest till we saw the den. We headed to the den and entered and I saw Phantom there already. I approached him,"what do you want?" He smiled at me,"nothing..maybe I can be in your pack." I gave him a grin,"I don't know.." "I can be useful... I'll stop being mean.." I thought about it and faced him,"alright..but no tricks you hear?" He smiled and said,"alright."

"Mage who are you talking to?" Pan asked. "Phantom a soul can't see him only I can..he was the one who entered Mayle's and Rai's body..and yours too Pan that's why you were coughing out blood." I said. Pan looked furious,"I'll make him bleed!!" "Pan..chill."Rai told him. Phantom looked at me,"oh by the way when I entered their bodies I get some of their powers.." I looked frightened, "do they still have their powers though?!?" "Yes."Phantom said.

"Wow.." I said in awe. "Well, we better get rest though." Everyone stared at each other but nodded. They tried to find a spot to sleep at. I was the last to sleep but was woken up by Phantom,"psst..if we are to go to the forest for food their isn't any but there is something else.." I looked at him to ask what but he had disappeared.

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