The Diary

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They had probably heard the fierce growling and whining. "Your back!" Nibbles said standing on the wolf that looked dead. "Yes..sounded like you guys need help." Red said. They looked at me and I felt myself wiping my tears then I looked at Pan and my eyes began to water again. "No one messes with our friends!" Red said flaming up.

The Elemental wolves began to help my pack but Lucky came up to me, "ma-maybe I can help?" He said looking at Pan. "I don't know why he hasn't woken up.." I said sadly. We started to walk to Pan. "What do you mean? Hasn't woken up?" He asked sitting next to Pan and I. "He's an angel..he can't die." I said looking serious. "Hmm..maybe if I just-" he touched Pan's wounded feet and vines and leaves started to twist around it forming a 'cast'.

"Do you think he'll be fine?" I asked. He looked at me mouth opened but no words came out, then he spoke lightly, "uh..yeah...hopefully." "Let's kill them." I said angrily still looking at Pan. "What are you insane?! Their parents are more powerful than all of us combined even more powerful than our parents do you know what they'll do?!?" He said panicking.

I looked at Lucky with my eyes filled with water then wiped them,"yes." Lucky was scared I could see it in his face he looked at me wide eyes open then turned to see the fighting that was taking place "We can't but we can help." He said looking back at me. I nodded then saw Mayle and Skye were beating up the lighting wolf, Mayle used her wand to dodge the lighting and Skye covered them in smoke to make the wolf confused. Then I saw Rai and Shenan taking down the Rock wolf. Rai ran around making him dizzy then Shenan would soak the wolf, making a wave go around like a circle, the wolf kept running then swimming around, it looked like a hamster running on a wheel but instead a wolf and water.

Mangle and Red defending and attacking the Ice wolf, Red would shoot fire when the wolf shot ice and Mangle would distract the wolf by turning to a wolf and bat to help Red take him down. Nibbles and Liz were working together to think positive because when the thunder wolf made it thunder Liz would shield them with a dome made of leaves and flowers and when the thunder wolf made it rain the flowers bloomed. Then Liz strecthed her vines and grabbed the thunder wolf and faced him towards them stuck on the dome through the vines and leaves.

"Looks like they have it under control." Lucky said smiling. "Yeah." I said smiling back. "We need to warn our parents!" He yelled running into the forest. "Hey!" I yelled going after him. I pounced on him and we rolled over then I pinned him down,"no..we can handle this... Your parents think you can't.. We can prove them wrong." I said getting off and putting my paw out for him to grab it. He grabbed my paw then pulled me down on top of his chest. He looked at me then smiled. I felt myself blushing but then I quickly got off. "We better go back." I said. I hurried back and he followed.

I saw Red and Rock fighting each other aggressively now. They were heading to the shelf. "Oh no!" I yelled I ran towards the shelf then stood and blocked it with my paws and legs out. I blocked the lock mostly, I didn't want them to know I had a lock and I didn't want them to get suspicious then it would be even worse what would happen next.

Red hit my whole body. It started to burn,"Ooow!" I screeched in pain. Then the rock wolf hit my mouth flew open but no words came out. Then I heard it..the snap. I turned around and saw that it opened, then the rock wolf must've pushed Red then hoisted him up because Red's back hit my back and then we were both above the ground I was whining because of the pain that was burning my fur and skin.

Then we both fell and so did the lock. I couldn't get up, my back felt as if my spine wasn't there. I turned my head and saw blurry Lucky coming towards me. He raised me up and I saw the S.S.S open. I took Lucky's paw away from me and I hurried by limping to the diary but the rock wolf pinned Red on the diary then took him off and off they fought. I ran to the diary, grabbed it then dropped it because it burned. I fell to the floor and hit head first then turned to see Pan and saw Shenan running over to me and Lucky. I heard talking but couldnt make out what they were saying.

Then I looked at the diary and water was pouring on it then I looked above me and saw Shenan blasting water onto it. I closed my eyes and everything went black.

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