The Small Wolf

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It was a small wolf with pointy ears flat nose, small bangs, black eyes, and was sort of fluffy. The small wolf approached us."Awww it's so cute."Mangle said putting her paw out. The small wolf bit her,"OWW!" I looked at her chuckling,"that hurt?" She was still screaming in pain,"Y-YES!"

"Who are you?" I asked the small wolf. The small wolf looked at all of us and didn't reply."Come on..don't be shy." Rai said to the small wolf. The small wolf looked down, upset,"Nibbles." Pan started chuckling, I hit my elbow where his rib was, to make him stop laughing. "I have a powerful bite..that's why my mom called me Nibbles but it's a silly name."Nibbles said sadly.

Pan looked awful about laughing at him and tried to cheer him up, "what a unique name.." Nibbles looked at us,"really!"he said happily. "We have some unique names too."said Pan. "Im Pandora but call me Pan..this is Mage..over there is Mayle and Mangle..and right here is Rai."Pan said thoughtfully. "Is this your pack?" Nibbles asked me. I looked around the room and back at Nibbles,"yes.. I guess so."I said smiling.

"I have something to say... I am in fact the fastest wolf and have super strength." Rai said proudly. Pan was chuckling at him."I'm serious."Rai said with ears down and cheeks pink. Pan stopped laughing and looked at Rai,"prove it." Rai went over to me picked me up and put me on his back then he did the same with Mayle and
Mangle then to Pan and even Nibbles.

He placed us back down and he started to run around the den. He ran so fast that he heated up the ground and made it deeper and deeper."STOP!!"I yelled. He stopped and stared at me,"sorry."he said sadly. I looked down at the hole,"we need to fill it up now." Rai went to the snow where it was covering the entrance and picked it up over to the hole and placed it in,"done."

"You could have moved that snow earlier when we were stuck in here!"Pan said angrily. Rai looked down, upset, "I should have told you guys before-" "Yeah, you should have.!" Pan said angrily interrupting. "Enough you two..let's go and hunt.." I said getting between them. We walked outside and looked around to see if we would spot anything but there was nothing. We walked around together for a while, we didn't see anything.

"Maybe they got swept away from the blizzard?"Mayle said. "Maybe.." I said. We went back to the den and I noticed that Rai and Pan weren't with us,"WHERES PAN AND RAI?!"I yelled worriedly. We ran outside and I looked at them,"we are going to have to spilt up." Mayle looked at me worried,"fine..but howl once if you find something, howl twice if your in danger..we should split in two groups.. I'll be with Mangle, and you'll be with Nibbles." "Alright." I said signaling Nibbles to come with me.

We walked together in the forest looking for Rai and Pan until I heard a noise, a noise that sounded like a voice. It was the voice I heard before.

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