The Affections

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I heard growling and woke up seeing Pan protecting me from a wolf.. It was Mayle! "Stop!!Pan!!" I yelled at him. Pan looked at me and went behind me. "Hi Mayle."I said looking at her. "Hi..the family emergency finished earlier." She said smiling. "That's great." I told her,"oh, this is Pan(the one who was going to attack you) and the one sleeping over there is Mangle."

"Oh."she said giggling. She looked at Pan and her eyes widened and she did a little smile. I looked at Mangle, she yawns and gets up walking to us, "im hungry." Mangle looks at Mayle backing away,"who's this?? Did I miss something?" "Hi..I'm Mayle." Mayle says taking out a cloak, book, broom, bottles(what looked like potions), and layed them down,"I was going to tell you later but it's best if I tell you now..I'm a witch."

I looked surprised,"a witch?!" Mayle looks at me and says,"yes." "Cool." Pan said looking at Mayle. "Someone thinks its cool, unlike you just asking me if I'm a witch when I just said I was...thanks Pan." "No problem."says Pan. "Well..let's get breakfast then." Mayle says looking at all of us. We all headed down and saw a moose. We crouched down behind a hill and planned how we will kill it. Before we were going to go and get it we saw that a wolf had gotten it, the wolf was a nice dark shade of brown and had some white fur on the stomach with diamond eyes and bangs.

"Who's that?"asked Pan. "I don't know but he's cute!"Mangle said blushing. Pan looked disgusted. We approached the wolf and it spoke," this was mine get away." "Yes we know.." I said to the wolf. Mangle looked at him with flattering eyes,"what's your name?" The wolf looked at Mangle,"Rai." "What a nice name." Mayle said. "Maybe you can hang with us." I said. Pan still looking disgusted turned away. "Fine..but this here is mine." Rai said pointing at the moose that was dead with blood all over."fine..let's go to the cliff." I said leading the way.

Mangle turned into a bat and flew off to the cliff,"see you guys there!" Mayle grabbed her broom from under her cloak and jumped on,"Rai, would you like to come with me?" "I'm fine..I'll just run."he responded. "ok then.." Mayle said in a doubtful voice. Pan and I opened our wings and Pan took off. "Do you want a ride?"I asked. He looked at me with a happy face," sure..I never flew." He got on my back and off we flew,"I might be a bit clumsy. "I told him. "It's fine, I feel safe when I'm with you." He told me holding on tight.

We flew off to the cliff where Mangle, Mayle, and Pan where. Rai got off and I closed my wings. "I've been wondering..why is there a cloth around your eye?"asked Mangle. "Nothing." I said putting my paw on the cloth. Mangle's stomach growls and Pan looks at her,"we still haven't ate let's go hunt.''

We were going until Rai stopped me but the others didn't see and kept going. Rai pinned me down and looked at me,"hey.." I looked up at him,"umm..hi? Can you get off, please?" Rai didn't get off and got even closer,"you know you are one hot wolf." He got closer and closed his eyes. Pan might have noticed I was missing because he came back and kicked Rai off of me and helped me up,"What were you doing?!?" Pan yelled at Rai.

"Nothing!" Rai yelled back. Pan pounced on Rai and bit him. Mangle and Mayle came back,"Whats going on?!" Pan looked back at Mayle and Mangle with their scared faces looking back. Rai saw Pan distracted and kicked him off. Pan whined in pain and Rai ran towards me and grabbed me by the neck and was holding me in the air,"Hey Pan!!" Pan looked and saw Rai grabbing me from the neck. Rai kissed me,"try and save her now."

I opened my claws and scratched Rai's hand to let me go. He let go and I fell down gasping for air. Pan ran to me limping and went over me trying to protect me. Rai looked at him,"how sweet.." Mangle and Mayle went in front of Rai,"back off!" Mayle said."You can come close to me, Rai." Mangle said getting closer to him.

Pan got up still limping helped me up,"are you.. alright?" I looked at him,"yes, are you?" He looked at his leg, on it it had a big scar and bruise,"yeah." I looked at his leg with a shocked face. "Uhh..guys.. Somethings wrong with Rai..-" I walked over and Rai was on the floor "he just fell like he felt dizzy." Mayle said. Rai woke up dizzy,"Ow!" "Don't act like it was a dream Rai!" I said.

"What? What happened?? The last thing I remembered was when we were about to hunt but felt something went inside me and.. I don't know what happened after that." Rai said confused. I looked down at him confused. "Did I do something to upset you?" Rai questioned. I helped Rai up,"it's wasn't your fault...Mayle or Mangle help put Rai to lay down and rest." I went to Pan and put an ice pack where the bruise was,"feel better?" Pan looked at me and his eyes had diamonds,"yes."

I smiled and wrapped around a cloth around his leg with the ice pack and tied it. He looked at me and reached to the cloth around my eye and took it off he looked at my white eye with the scar across,"your beautiful." I smiled and leaned closer so did he, he closed his eyes and I did too he put his nose to mines and kissed me.

"I love you.." Pan said looking at me with his diamond sparkling eyes. I opened my wings and flew away. Pan watched me leave and looked upset and whispered,"was it something I said?" I flew, flew fast! Until I reached my den. I grabbed the dictionary and looked up the word, love, and it said:
Love; an intense feeling of affection.

Then I looked up the word affection, it said: Affection; a gentle feeling of fondness or liking(affection for). I closed the dictionary and flew fast to the cliff then stopped. I saw Mayle flirting with Pan. I peaked and saw what they were doing, they were laughing and playing around with each other, pouncing at each other. I turned away. I kept walking sad and saw a blizzard coming my way. I opened my wings and flew as fast as I can to the cliff. I landed on the cliff,"EVERYONE A BLIZZARD IS COMING OUR WAY!" Everyone looked shock. "FOLLOW ME." I yelled. Mayle got on her broom and beside her Rai, Pan opened his wings, and Mangle turned into a bat. I led the way to my den.

We went inside and waited until the storm stopped. I looked around and saw Pan with Mayle. Mayle was comforting Pan and they were so close together like they were about to kiss. I turned away and looked at Rai who was being bothered by Mangle,"C-can someone" I walked towards them and got between them,"Mangle leave him alone." I said to her.

She made an angry face and left. I was going to walk away but Rai grabbed ahold to my shoulder,"thank you..she was bothering me but I don't mind if you do." I looked at him and smiled,"thanks but I better go help Pan.." "It looks like he has help already." I looked at Mayle and Pan then back at Rai. "I could use some comfort.."he said. I sat beside him and comforted him. I lay there untill I fell asleep. WHOOSH! BAMM! CRASH! The noise woke me and everyone up and we all looked at each other.

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