The Burial

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"Mage..Mage??Mage?!!!?" I looked and saw Lucky above me and the others surrounding me. "Wh-what happened?" I asked. Lucky turned and grabbed something then showed it to me it was my diary. "We tried everything." He said looking sorrowful. My mouth was opened but I stood up and grabbed it,"it's tried and that's what matters all of you did..I'm proud..this was the only way I would have found out about my family and life."

I walked over to the desk and put the diary inside the drawer. "I'm proud of you guys." I said slightly smiling. "Yeah..those wolves fled like babies..but they were going to call their parents to come for us." Mangle said. "Skye, Red, Liz, Lucky, and Shenan you may leave..I don't want you guys to get even more hurt." I said facing them. "Are you kidding me?! I never had that much fun, no way are we leaving!" Skye said.

"It's best if you go.." I said looking serious. "Not until we bury Pan." Liz said. I looked over at Pan who was still lying dead on the ground. I went over to my desk and grabbed the cloth then went to Pan and covered him with it like a blanket. I sat there with him. I placed my paw on his face,"let's keep him for awhile.." I said sadly. "The body will rot." Mayle said. "I know..but I want him here with me." I said still looking at Pan.

I heard footsteps and whispering,"I'll stay here with her." The footsteps came closer to me, it touched my shoulder,"hey." I turned and saw Rai. "Hey." I said looking back at Pan. "We're sorry...we all are truly sorry." He said sighing. "I know.. I don't know why he's dead. He's an angel."

I said crying looking at him. He pulled my head to his shoulder and hold me there I started to cry. He placed his head on mine and pulled me close then I felt a drop on my head. I pulled away and saw Rai crying. I wiped his tear and pulled him into a hug. "We'll be fine." I told him. "Where did the others go?" I asked. "They went to get lunch..and supply's for their injuries." He said. He turned my back around. "What? Is it bad?" I asked. "Um.. Er.. Well not that much.?" He said. I tried to get up then felt an easy lift, Rai carried me onto his back and headed outside. "Where are they?" I asked. "We should stay inside.. You might make that burn of yours worse." He said going back inside. "Alright." I was on the ground now and I limped towards Pan.

I layed close to him and layed my paw over to the other side. "Pan.." I sighed. Rai quickly turned his head to the entrance. "What is it?" I asked. He quickly ran to me and got the cloth that was covering Pan and put it over us. "Rai what-" he put his paw on my mouth to make me stop talking. I saw shadows of wolves looking around.

"Well..? Where are they?!?" a wolf questioned angrily. "They were here." The wolf answered. I saw the shadow face us. "What is under there?" The wolf questioned again. "An angel wolf." "An angel wolf huh? Wow didn't think you'd do it..was he wimpy? He must've been." "Yeah killed him with a kick then he hit the wall and fell." "A big angel wolf?" "Well he tried to open his wings which makes him seem big.. I mean he was pretty big." "Weak angel I say..real weak." I started to get mad and tried to growl but Rai had his paw on my mouth and he had felt my jaw move because he turned and his eyes widened. Then we saw the shadows leave. We waited a few minutes then heard footsteps.

"Rai? Mage?? Where'd they go?" We got out and saw our pack and the Elemental wolves. I let out a breath of relief. "Why were you two under there?" Skye asked. "Oooh dang!" Red said. I rolled my eyes and turned to face Pan. "The wolves came back and I think one of the parents came...they were going to attack but we hid with Pan." Rai said.

"We're glad you guys are alright." Liz said. "When do you want to start the burial?" Mayle asked. Everyone now stared at me. "Tomorrow morning..first thing." I said. "Ok..let's eat now." Mangle said putting a large qiviut on the middle.

"You okay Mage? You hardly touched your food." Mayle said. "I'm...not that hungry." I said looking down. Then she sighed and continued eating. She did feel bad but she knew that an adult wolf can go without eating for 12 days or more.

It was dark now and the den had a single light. I looked at the light and it was Red. "I'm going to get bark to make a fire." I said leaving. "I'll come!" Red said. Red caught up to me now. "You need light to see. You don't know what to expect." He said. We walked and approached a tree. I grabbed a piece of bark that was hanging and ripped it off. Then after we collected the barks we headed off.

We started the fire and talked. I had my eyes on Pan. I had the thought of him coming back and being here with us but I questioned, how?why? Why hadn't he come back by now? How can he die?

We all fell asleep and the sun started to rise. I opened my eyes and noticed everyone even Pan were missing. I went out and saw them standing, looking at the other wolves carrying the coffin. "Sorry Mage..we were just setting up." "It's fine." I told them. "I stood watching as they placed Pan in the coffin. "Would you like to say a few words?" Mayle asked. "I have no words to express... No words can express the feelings I have." I said looking upset.

Everyone took turns expressing their feelings for Pan. "Would you like to say goodbye?" Mangle asked. I went to face Pan who was now inside the coffin, "see you later.."

The Wolf and The DiaryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora