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After drinking their coffee and talking about the plans for the day, they went in to try to find some clothes for the both of them. Claire of course found something, more relaxing than what she usually wears, but it was okay. They were going shopping for all the stuff they lost on the island and might need here, which of course meant clothes too. It was difficult to find something for Owen. Claire didn't exactly steal from her ex boyfriends, not that there were many but there was a few. "Well....Maybe I should just go out and buy you some pants and a t-shirt for you and then I come back. "I think you need to...." Owen said while laughed. "Okay" She said, and smiled at him. "I'll be right back" She grabbed her purse and waved goodbye to him before closing the door. 

While she was out trying to find some clothes for Owen, he found himself in Claire Dearing's apartment, doing nothing. What was he supposed to do. He decided that, watching some TV would probably be the best solution from being bored. He turned on the news and of course, it was filled with Jurassic World. What else ? They were rambling on about all the stuff that happened and why it happened. Owen went over to get some water. While the water was running he heard the reporter talk about the raptors and how they got loose. Then something about that, not being the best plan they'd come up with, besides from the Indominus. Owen couldn't help but laugh a little, because if it wasn't for the raptors and of course Claire's psycho bravery to lure the T-Rex out, the Indominus might have killed everyone on that stupid island.

They continued on about the raptors and suddenly Claire stepped inside. "Hey, I think I found something that will fit you" She said and put the bag down. Owen gave her a smile and she walked over to him in front of the TV, and gave him a kiss. Then they heard Claire's name on the TV and they both turned around.

"I'm just getting some new information. Apparently the biggest reason thousands of people are still alive is because of the Manager of the Park, Claire Dearing. Who lured the T-Rex out of it's paddock and over to the Indominus, in the middle of the main street where it was fighting the rapters. Her and the raptor trainer Owen Grady was in the middle of the hole scene, with two younger boys. We actually have a clip from the security camera's, of Claire Dearing luring the T-Rex out"

Both Owen and Claire, stared at the TV in shock, then they showed the clip of Claire, running in heels with the T-Rex's roar in her back. Claire felt like throwing up, watching this. She fell backwards onto the couch, and Owen followed. Claire was staring out into the air, hand over her mouth and arm around her stomach. Owen put a hand on her back and asked. "Are you okay ?" She didn't answer, she leaned forward to take Owen's water, and drank the rest of it. "Now I am" She said and stood up. "Hey, I get why u feel this way. That clip was....Well, uncomfortable. Do you wanna stay home for now, and then maybe go out later ?" She looked down at him and gave him a reassuring smile. "No....It's okay" 

"So, I found these for you" Claire said and pulled up a pair of pants from the bag. "Of course I don't know your size. Should probably have asked for it before I left but, I guessed"  She added. Owen took the pants and said. "Okay ill just....Try them on" Even tho they were a couple now, he didn't feel that taking off his pants in front of Claire would be okay. He came out of the bathroom and said. "You guessed right, Miss Dearing" Claire giggled and Owen walked over to her. She looked up at him, standing there, a head higher than her and oh god so handsome. "OH, Yea the shirt....Sry" She said confused. How long had she bin staring at him like that ? He must have stared back, what even happened. Claire was so confused she almost forgot abut the t-shirt. "Ehm, here. It's just a white t-shirt" She said and gave it to him. For this he didn't wanna go to the bathroom, it was just his torso. He took a step back and pulled his current shirt over his head and put it on the couch next to him. Claire was surprised that he just did that in front of her, she didn't mind of course, who would ? She tried not to stare too much when she gave him the new shirt. "Once again, it fits" He said and smiled at her. "Okay so....Let's go" Owen said and they left the apartment. Luckily the shopping center was only a five minutes walk away from Claire's apartment. 

They decided to go find some clothes for Claire first. She was lucky that being the Manager of a dinosaur pack, payed so well. When they were done with Claire they got so many bags of clothes they couldn't even count. They walked around a little and found a shop for Owen. Of course Owen lost all his clothes too so, many more bags was added when they walked out. Owen suggested that they went home with all of it and then came back for what else was needed. Claire liked the idea and they headed home. They put down all the bags and left the apartment right after. Claire couldn't come up with anything else they needed other than groceries. So they went to the supermarket. It took them at least 45 minutes in there and they came out with around the same amount of bags with Owen's clothes. They walked home and started putting everything in the cabinets. Claire was exhausted and fell right down on the couch. "I'm dead" She said and Owen walked over to the other couch and sat down. "I would do the rest but I don't have your system in my head" He said and she laughed. "Five minutes break" She said and he agreed. 

After three minutes, Claire climbed over to Owen on the other couch. She laid herself on top of him, with her head on his chest, and listened to his heartbeat. He put his arms around her and kissed her hair. They'd only bin together for maximum two days, but the time on the island before the incident, Claire knew that eventually something more would happen between them, even after that horrible date. 

'A bad date doesn't mean you aren't meant to be' Claire had thought to herself ever since.



Okay maybe this chapter sucks but u got one! 

I'm not even at my dads so maybe u will get two chapters this week! 

BAI :3 

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