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I don't even know what to say at this point...eeehhh Yes I'm back, sorta.

I've been receiving some comments asking for updates recently. Then I looked back at the older comments and saw that basically all of them are asking for updates, and I know it's been more than 2 years. Ridiculous I know, but in my defense, I've had a lot of problems in that time. I've recently been getting a little better tho, plus I've started to get the urge to get back into writing. 

I do realize that many of my readers are probably "gone" by now and that's fine of course. But I wanna know how many of you still want me to continue. 

I was also thinking about starting a new story, because Fallen Kingdom just came out (DIED MUCH BTW) and that I could continue from the new point like with this one - lemme hear your thoughts, if anyone is reading this. Or maybe like a whole new story in general, AU maybe?

Also I was thinking about maybe uploading to Ao3, but I don't know about that yet, it was just a thought

That was all folks, lemme hear your opinions

Bye for now I guess ?

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