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The next day, Claire had a meeting with Masrani Global. "I'm not sure I survive this" she said as she looked at herself in the mirror. "You will" Owen said from the bed. He had no where to go so why move, when he could lay here and look at his beautiful girlfriend. "I'll drive you" Owen said and went out of the bed, and found some clothes really fast. "Whuh ?" Claire said confused, when Owen flew by her and got ready in 10 seconds. "Okay then" She said and headed into the living room. "When do you have to be there ?" Owen asked and found some cereal. "We should be going in 10 min" Claire answered, and got some cereal herself. They sat at the dining table across from each other. Owen started eating, but Claire didn't. She didn't know why Masrani Global wanted to have a meeting with her. Of course it would have something to do with Jurassic World but what. She really didn't wanna wanna go, but she had to. She was the Manager of the park, so of course they needed to talk to her. But god she wished they didn't. She was 90% sure they were gonna cut her out of Masrani Global. Why a meeting.

Owen noticed her sitting there, staring into nothing. He was concerned for her, of course. He knew she didn't like the meeting, that was why he had offered to drive her. Then maybe he could get her to think about something else on the way. "Are you sure you are okay ?" He asked, and took her hand. Claire's only respond was "hm" She looked up at him and smiled. But it wasn't one of her reassuring smiles. This was so much different. Owen could tell that this meeting had knocked her poor brain out way more than he thought. Owen stood up and walked over behind Claire. He put his arms around her and kissed her head. Claire leaned backwards up against him and placed her hands on top of his. "Okay come on, we are gonna be late" Claire said and Owen let go of her. She stood up and turned around to face him. He looked concerned, she could see it, so clearly in his eyes. "It's gonna be fine" She said and patted him on his chest. They went out to the car and Claire bumped down in the front seat. They started driving. None of them said a word on the way over there. When they arrived Claire sat there for five seconds before stepping out of the car. Right before she closed the door, Owen gave her a good luck and a smile. She thanked him, closed the door and he watched her walk up the stairs to the building. 

Owen decided to go find something for Claire. Maybe jewelry, he thought to himself when he drove by a jewelry store. He went to look in the window, and there he saw, the most beautiful little silver necklace. It was two small rings intertwined. He went in and asked for the necklace. The specialist took it out of the glass and showed it to Owen. It was perfect. "How much ?" Owen asked, and got surprised over the price. "700$" The specialist said. Owen thought about it for a moment, but ended up buying it anyway. Of course. Claire was having the worst time of her life right now. Okay not the worst, that will always be the incident. Still this wasn't exactly something she enjoyed. "Here you go sir" The specialist said and gave him a little box with the necklace inside. Maybe it was too early for Owen to buy something that expensive for Claire, but he did it and so far didn't regret it. After some time walking around he went back to the car and decided to just drive back to the building and wait for Claire. He sat for around 15 minutes before she came out, and in that time he wondered about what she would say to his gift. First of all if she even liked the necklace. How could he know. And second, if she thought it was too early. Too expensive, but of course he didn't have to tell her the real price, even tho he kinda wanted to. So she knew how much she already meant to him.

 Claire came out and walked straight for the car. She stepped inside and sighed. Owen looked at her to try and figure out how she felt. He decided to ask. "So....Was it as bad as expected ?" Claire turned her head and looked at him. She smiled and said. "No" That's good Owen thought, but what was the meeting about. "What did they say ?" He asked and she hesitated. "They ehm....They want me to become the CEO of Masrani Global...." Claire said. Owen looked at her in surprise. It sounded like a really good thing, but he didn't know how Claire felt, at all. "So....Are u gonna say yes ?" He asked, and Claire sighed. "I don't knooooow" She said, in her little girl voice, and tilted her head back against the seat. Can we just....Maybe get some food and then just go home and....Watch a movie or something" She asked. Owen gave a small laugh and said "Of course"

They drove to a sushi restaurant and bought a lot. Claire insisted she could eat it all but Owen didn't really believe her. "You can't eat all that" Owen said. "Watch me" she said and smirked at him. When they got home, they started eating within the first minute. They put on a movie and to Owen's surprise, Claire actually ate as much as she said she could. "Okay I ate it. Happy ?" She asked. Owen laughed slightly and gave her a kiss. "mm-hm - Sushi kiss" She said and Owen laughed a little bit more. "You are so adorable, you know that right ?" He said. Claire looked at him. "Adorable....Huh, never bin called that before" She said and leaned against his shoulder. "Seriously ?" Owen asked. "Yep....I've bin called a lot of things, mostly bad things you know, but not adorable" She said and started cleaning the mess they eventually had made, just by eating sushi.

Owen decided to give Claire the necklace now, before she got too tired and fell asleep. "Claire" He said and ordered her to sit down on the couch. "What is it ?" She asked and next to him. He pulled out the little box and gave it to her. Claire looked shocked, more shocked than he'd ever seen anyone before - besides the hole dinosaur thing. "Open it" He said, and so she did. She stared at it for a few seconds, before smiling and looking up at Owen. "Whuh....Why did you" She said and he cut her off. "Because I think you deserve it, and that maybe you needed a little surprise like this, after all that's happened recently. She gave him a kiss and he insisted on putting it on. She touched it and looked up at him. "Now I need to get you something" She said and Owen answered. "Narh, you gave me clothes" She laughed and kissed him again, He cupped her face in his hands and they deepened the kiss, more and more. Owen stood up and Claire followed. He placed his hands on her hips and lifted her up like a feather. She put her legs around his waist and arms around his neck. He walked into the bedroom and laid Claire on the bed. 

Good thing he bought those condoms, while walking around earlier.


Yea, you all probably hate me for this ending.

I'm not good at writing smut so, I'm really really really sorry! 

I hope you liked this chapter! :3 

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