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Later that day, Claire was sitting on the couch with her laptop, checking her emails while Owen was taking a nap. She had just send her reply to an email when a Skype call popped up on the screen. It was Karen so of course Claire answered. "Hey Karen" She said and Karen responded with, "Put face cam on sis" Claire sighed and said "I look like a mess". Karen laughed slightly and said. "Well here's some news for you, I don't care. You are my sister, and I wanna see your face, come on, when I'm talking to you" Claire sighed again and tried to straighten out her wavy hair a little. "You are trying to fix your hair aren't you ?" Karen asked and look in the camera with a 'I know you are' face. Claire laughed a little, and turned her camera on. "There is my beautiful sister" Karen said, and Claire wanted to turn it off immediately. "oh god come on Karen" Claire said and waved some of her hair away from her face. "Hey where's Owen ?" Karen asked. "He's taking a nap" Claire said and changed position on the couch. "Where are the boys, oh did they find out about you and Scott ?" Claire asked. "Yea well, Gray told us that they'd found out before the incident, yesterday. But me and Scott, had a talk the day we got home and we decided to give it another try. This hole island thing has just opened up for what is important" Karen said in a calm voice. "So do they know the news....news ?" Claire asked and Karen answered. "No not yet, we are planning on telling them today or tomorrow" "Okay"

"Oh hey how's it going with Owen ?" Karen asked all girly. "It's going great I think" Claire said and smiled. "I can't believe you didn't tell me that you had a boyfriend" Karen said. "Well I didn't actually" Claire said, and waited for Karen to get confused. "What do you mean ?" Karen asked. "Well, we went on one date a long time before the incident and well, that was a disaster. But then at the incident, I needed someone to help me....ehm....find Zach and Gray, and I knew that he would be the best for that so we basically spent a hole day and night together....NOT in that way" Claire said and took in a deep breath. "Oh, so when Gray said he saw you two kiss, it was under the attack ?" Karen asked and Claire answered with a tiny "Yes" "Awww, that's so romantic....in some way" Karen said and Claire laughed. "So it's going okay with you two" Karen said and Claire agreed with a firm "Yes"

"So have you, you know....yet ?" Karen asked with a smirk on her face. "Oh god Karen seriously" Claire said, feeling like hiding her face in embarrassment. "Yea I know....But seriously, have you ? Karen asked. Claire sighed and decided that there was no reason to not tell her sister the truth. "Yea" She said and Karen was there immediately with a "I knew it" "Of course you did" Claire said with a little laugh. "How could you not have, I mean look at him" Karen said and before Claire could say anything. Owen walked into the room, shirtless of course. "Speak of the devil" Karen said and Claire looked behind her. Of course, he was only wearing sweatpants. "Hey ehm, Owen" Claire said and waited for his attention. "Yea what ?" He said and walked over to her and placed his hands on her shoulders as he kissed her on the head, without noticing Karen on the Skype call. "I'm kinda talking with Karen right now and, well she can see you" Claire said, and bit her lower lip. "Hey Owen" Karen said and Owen just responded with a "Hey" and a little wave with his hand. Then he walked over to the kitchen and found something to eat. Claire didn't notice until Karen coughed, to get her attention, that she had bin staring at Owen as he walked away. Claire looked confused back at the screen and apologized. "it's okay" Karen said and Claire sighed in a 'In love' way, before Karen whispered "I would do that too if I lived with that" Claire laughed and looked at Owen to make sure he didn't hear that. 

"So where are the boys at ?" Claire asked and waved some more hair away from her face. "They are....I think they are in their rooms, not sure" Karen said "Let me just find them" She added and left the computer. The second after Karen left, Claire instructed Owen to go find a shirt. "Why ? You can't handle my heat, hon ?" Owen joked and Claire laughed and said "Just go do it" "Of course" Owen said and smiled at her to make sure, she knew it was a joke. Claire let herself smile for a couple of seconds by his choice of word. 'Hon' She really liked that. 

Owen came back with a shirt on and went up behind Claire again. He went down to kiss her head again, but she tilted it up backwards to look up at him. "Hi" She said in a sweet voice. "Hi" He said back and kissed her on the mouth. Right as they pulled apart, Karen came back with Gray. "Timing" She says and Claire took Owens hand and smiled. "I couldn't find Zach" Karen said "Hey aunt Claire" Gray said and jumped in front of the camera. "Hey Gray, how are you ?" Claire asked. "I'm great!" He said and asked "Is that Owen ?" which made Owen go around the couch to place himself next to Claire. "Yes it is" Owen said and Claire changed her position so she could lean a little bit on Owen. "Hey Oweeen!" Gray said with excitement. "When are we gonna see you guys again ? I already miss you" Gray said. "I don't know Gray but we will find out" Claire said and smiled. "I think we should start on some dinner" Claire said and looked at Owen for his thought on that idea. "Yea" Owen said. "Okay, talk to you guys soon" Karen said and hung up the call right after Gray had said his goodbye. 

Owen kissed Claire on the cheek right before he went over to the kitchen. "So, what do you wanna eat hon ?" He asked. She closed her laptop and looked over at him. There that word was again, god she didn't think she could ever get tired of hearing that. "Let's find out what we have" She said and walked over to him in front of the fridge and placed herself next to him. "Hon" She said and looked up at him with a little grin on her face. He smirked at her and went down for a kiss. She accepted that kiss and placed her hand on his chin. They pulled apart and looked each other in the eyes. Then Claire turned hers and said "Okay food, I'm starving"


I finally finished it....shiet

I received so many comments with "more" and "update soon" so....

Also the reason that it has bin slow updates and shiet like that, is because I have vacation this week and that means I've bin at dads other days than usual. And cuz I have autism I get confused and stressed out easily so....

I've bin out of my mind this week, I hope it will get back to normal next week so you guys can get some more updates :3 

Baiiiiiiiii !! 

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