| CHAPTER 11 |

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Claire was on her way home from work, when Owen called and asked when she would be home because dinner was ready soon. "I'll be home in 10 minutes at most, promise" Claire said. Actually she was just around the corner but she needed to go to the store first. Something she didn't think Owen needed to know. "Bye honey" Claire said and hung up, when Owen was done talking. She went into the store and found what she was looking for. She looked at it and sighed thinking, 'please let this be a waste of money'. She tried to avoid the cashiers eyes when she paid, and rushed out of there as fast as possible. She went in her car and drove home to her boyfriend. "Hey" Owen said and went over for a kiss, which Claire gladly took with a smile. "Food is ready in 5 minutes" Owen said and went over to the stove again. 'Just enough time' Claire thought to herself, before saying. "Great, I just have to use the bathroom first". She walked past Owen while forcing a smile. She locked the door and pulled up the box in her pocket. She sat down and did what she had to do, and then waited. She almost forgot time until Owen knocked on the door to ask if she was okay. "Ye....Yea I'm fine I think. I'll be out in just a minute" She said and took a deep breath before looking at her phone. It was time. when she saw the result she could barely breath. 'Not a waste of money then....Not on any of them' She thought right before tears started forming in her eyes. Not long after a couple of sobs came and Owen demanded she unlocked the door in a second. She crawled over to the door, reached up to turned the key and crawled away from the door. Owen entered and threw himself on the floor next to her. He put his arms around her and pulled her into his body as fast as lightning. He hadn't seen Claire like this before, of course on the island he'd seen her devastated and broken,  but this wasn't the same. He couldn't bare looking at her now more than he could looking at the girl at the island. He didn't know quite what to do and if what he did made it better or worse. He hadn't even noticed the tests on the floor right next to Claire. She kept sobbing until it cleared up a little and she looked up at him, face soaked in tears. She sniffled a couple of times and they both thought the worst was over. It wasn't, she broke and started crying for real. Owen broke too, seeing the love of his life, the girl he wants to spend the rest of his life with, the one he would die to protect. It crashed him, but he needed to be strong, for Claire. He didn't have a clue to what she was so upset about, he just knew he had to comfort her. "Sorry" She said still snuggled into his chest. Before Owen could say anything she added. "And don't ask 'for what'. You know why" She said. Owen looked up confused for a second and said. "Listen hon, I love you, very much....But I have no idea what you are sorry about". Claire sniffled at said. "The food is cold now" Owen smiled to himself before saying. "Doesn't matter, are you okay to tell me what this is about now ?" Claire looked up at him distress. "You don't know ?" She asked. You really haven't said anything since I came in" He said. "I thought you'd noticed" Claire said and looked at the tests. "Noticed wha" Owen stopped when he locked eyes on what she was staring at in complete despair. "You...." He didn't know what to say, he simply had no words. Claire sighed and said. "All positive" and some more tears went down her cheek. He locked eyes with her and gave her a long lasting kiss and breathed out. "I don't know if I know you well enough to say anything, but I'm gonna guess that you don't think you are ready for this. That you don't think you will do great. That....It's just too much to handle and it's not something you had planned" Owen said looking partly at her and partly around the room. She looked at him in shock as her eyes started blinking like crazy. She couldn't find any words. "Huh" Was all she managed to say, to the fact that Owen just completely read her mind. "Was I right ?" He asked, to which she managed to find these words. "How did you do that ?" He smiled and gave her one more kiss. "I guess I know you that good after all" She smiled at him and leaned her forehead against his. "Now you apparently know how I feel about this, but....How do you feel ?" She asked. "I'm fine, really. Right now the only thing I have to think about is making you okay with this" He said. "Let's hope it got your genes" Claire said and smiled at him. "Not all of them he said as he stood up. "Come, I can always heat up the food" He said and reached out for her hand. "I really don't deserve you" She said for the hundreds time. "We accept the love that we think we deserve" Owen said and Claire looked at him impressed and confused and she stood up by the help of his strong arms. "Then why are you with me ?" She asked. "Because I can't find anyone better" He answered and asked. "If you don't think you deserve me, then why are you staying with me, of course before this....thing happened ?" She sighed and looked at him. "I love you, you know....and well I wanted to see how long time it took before I drove you mad" She said and giggled. He gave her a hug from the site promised he would never get tired of her" 


I apologize for not updating in what ? A month ? 

But I've had a lot of problems and my head hasn't bin in the right place so I couldn't focus on writing. 

But I did it and I really hope you like this chapter. I couldn't come up with anything else that accidental pregnancy which is a very normal part of fanfic xd

Stuff needed to happen and it did so now I'm gonna try to have some fun with this. 

Oh and I included as much fluff as I could cuz that's apparently what you guys respond best to and let's be honest - you can never get enough of it ! 

Oh and if there's any mistakes in the text - sry I srsly couldn't get myself to read it again and thought it was better to get the chapter out now instead of waiting now that it was done....

See yarh next time I get my life together c;  

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