Turn Off The Lights

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Yep, a semi-musical story. The song will probably have something to do with the plot, plus whatever song it is I'll be listening to when I'm writing, so you can listen to it when you read! And please, I don't think I'm a very good writer, so if you like something, leave a comment or a vote! And if I haven't updated within a couple weeks, comment and bug me! FYI the screencap is only a temporary cover, and someone is currently drawing me a cover! (Major kudos to you @death_the_darling_8_ !! )


Cas View


I walked down the hallway after the secretary, juggling a large-ish box, a backpack, and a messenger bag, all of which were packed with belongings and supplies. Part of me was really upset when I learned I would have a roommate, but after all, you never know who your roommate will be, perhaps it'll be someone cool, or at least not annoying. The secretary suddenly stopped, knocking on the door of room 117, which I guess would now be my home for the next year, until I went off to college. A rustling as if someone were getting dressed was heard, before a punk dude wearing sweatpants and a Ramones tee poked his head out of the door, frowning upon seeing the secretary, Mr. Valense I believe.

"Dean, this is your roommate for the year, Castiel. Castiel, this is Dean." I smiled, unable to wave or shake his hand, occupied with my belongings. Dean rolled his eyes slightly, walking away, waving me in. 

On one side of the room, there was a cluttered desk, a dresser with several drawers open, and an unmade bed. Most everything in the room was black, and if it wasn't it was a dark color or a neon color. On the other side, everything was untouched, too neat for me. I was a bit messy, just not as much as Dean apparently was. I set the box down by my bed, my messenger bag on my desk, and my backpack on my bed. I turned to Mr.Valense. "Thanks." I smiled, waiting for him to go on his way, which he did after a good five seconds, closing the door behind him. Dean turned to me, looking groggy, as after all it was nine in the morning on a Saturday, two weeks before the school year started. 

"I'm Dean, I have no clue what you're like so until I get to know you, here's a few simple rules. Don't touch any of the liquor in the mini-fridge unless you replace it within a day. Don't screw with my stuff, or try cleaning it, and don't complain about the music. You do that, maybe it'll be worth getting to know you. And now, I'm going back to bed." Before I could speak, he stripped his shirt off, climbing in to his bed, and by the looks of it, falling asleep within a couple minutes. I unpacked, not worrying about the noise, with Dean out like a light behind me. I scattered my school supplies through the drawers in my desk, some on top of the desk as well, with my empty messenger bag sitting below the desk, at the feet of the chair that was there. Inside the box was filled somewhat with my own clothes, and mostly with the uniform I had to wear for the next year, from 8:00 to 3:30. I filled the first couple drawers in the dressers with my uniform, and filled the other two with my own clothes, and some keepsakes. A snowglobe my mother gave me before she walked away from the family, the glass cola bottle my brother would always fill with candy when I turned my back, and a few photos of the couple friends I had, and my family. I smiled fondly as I put them away, hiding them with clothes.

 I walked over to my backpack, and unearthed my  laptop, which I put on the desk, along with my headset and it's charging cable. Everything else in my backpack were less personal items. A phone charger I plugged in right away, even though I wasn't charging my phone, a tiny plasma globe I liked to play with when I couldn't focus, a pair of earbuds, and my uniform shoes, which I put by the dresser. Currently I was just wearing some converse, jeans,and a blue button down, but even shoes at this school were uniform. I put the backpack on one side of my desk, the door on it's other. I then began taking things out of my pockets, settling down. My keys- including the ones my dorm room, and the ones to the well-maintained but old sedan I'd arrived here in, which I had to park in the tiny student lot- I put in the top drawer of my desk, along with my wallet and a tin of mints. I pulled my phone out, checking it. I had a single text, from my friend Balthazar, one of the only true friends I'd had my entire life. I responded, and even though he'd texted me well over half an hour ago, he responded immediately.

B: I figure you must be at Seacoast by now. What's it like?

C: Odd. Seriously, I mean, the dorm rooms are all white with wood floors, and you've seen the uniforms already. My roommate seems cool though. Apparently we have liquor in the minifridge. #score

B: Ooh, very nice indeed. Soooo, what's the name of this mysterious cool roommate? ;)

Balthazar was the only of my friends who'd known I was gay before  someone else found out and the whole school tormented me. He was also the one who'd always tried his hardest to get me to dress less like a robot with all of my button downs and slacks, and had only succeeded recently, just before I moved to Seacoast.

C: Jfc christ Balthazar, why you gotta jump to conclusions? Lmao no worries though he is pretty hot... He's this punk-ish looking dude, his name is Dean

B: Sounds nice. Anyway, it's like  9:30 so I have to go eat breakfast, or else my parents will probably eat me for breakfast. Make sure to talk to that Dean guy, you never know what people really are.

I smiled a bit, putting my phone back in my pocket, and looking up to see Dean watching me, making me blush furiously when I saw him. Even though he couldn't know I was talking about him, I still felt odd. "Cas, from what I've observed you are an odd, odd creature. That's okay though." He grinned. "I never sleep with a new roommate, I just kinda watch them until they're done unpacking, you know, so I get to know them before they get to know me." I raised an eyebrow.

"Really then? What've you observed about me, sherlock?" I joked. He smiled.

"Well, you're in too many fandoms for your own good, my evidence being the stickers on your laptop and the figurine of the doctor on your dresser, your wardrobe made a change recently, seeing as you put away tshirts, yet you're wearing a button down. You drive an older car, and you don't like the uniforms." I was left with my jaw dropping, as he stood up and walked over, sitting down on my bed, making me turn around to look at him.

"That's... a talent. What can you tell me about yourself then, seeing as you know so much about me?" 

"I'm Dean, I disregard the uniform shoes nad just wear my combat boots, I'm the one kid in here who can get you fake license or liquor, I'm bi, and I have two friends. Neither of whom are very much like me. That's the basic run-down but you'll have to ask more pointed questions if you want more specific answers. That'll be later though, unless you'd like to join me for breakfast? I always go to this diner in town on Saturdays, and you're welcome to join." He said, turning his back, shedding his sweatpants in favour of a pair of black jeans, and putting on a pair of well-polished combat boots, looking back at me again.

"I'd love to. I'd also love if you could put me on whatever list you have for the whole license thing." He smiled at me, walking out the door, and I hurriedly followed him, grabbing my keys and wallet on my way out, locking the dorm behind us.

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