Bad at Love

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A/N Ok wow first just lemme say sorry for not updating this for like five months. I kinda thought no one read it to be honest? So I pretty much ignored Wattpad for several months only to receive an amazing surprise in my email of like 25-ish notifications from @fluffypancake103 . Soo if anybody else is reading, you have them to thank for a loooooooooong overdue update :)

(I forget about everything, just saying, so if you guys vote/comment/spam/whatever I'll see it in my email and actually remember. Also, if you so feel, you can always kik me at my new kik, Haelne67 , because I completely forgot my password to my last kik whoops lmao)

Also I am currently completely obsessed with the hopeless fountain kingdom album, just sayin


Dean POV


I sat at my desk, doing my homework. Although, that is simply put for the range of things going on at my desk besides homework. Sure, there was a science worksheet in front of me, the clock was reminding me that it was already 4 and I needed to start getting things done, and my pencil was in my hand. Did that mean I was working? Hell no.

I had become so immune to all of the things Frank repeatedly did to annoy me, or scare me, or hurt me, but for some reason, eating lunch with Castiel bugged me more than anything he had done in a while. Castiel was... Important to me. Even though it'd only been a little while, we had both said we wanted to be together, and it felt odd to not have him next to m e. And as much as Cas was responsible for where he sat, I couldn't help but blame Frank. That didn't mean however, that I wasn't upset at Cas. My eyes snapped back to the worksheet at my desk, and I slowly started to actually work, attempting to push the thought out of my head.

It was around twenty minutes after I started actually working that I heard them down the hall. Incessant chatter, coming mostly from Frank and Edgar. This, I was used to. For some reason, Frank had always lived on my hall. But now, there were two other voices added in, Edgar's and Cas's. As they neared my door, I heard the tail end of a lively conversation about an episode of what I could only guess was the walking dead.

"Anyway, guys, I gotta get some homework done. I do not want Ms. O'Berne as pissed at me as she is at you, Edgar." Cas said, the group stopping in front of the door. The guys laughed, and Edgar spoke.

"Yeah, dude, I do not understand her temper. How does she expect everyone to know where everything is? It's not like they have maps."

"I'd be hopeless without Dean, trust me. He knows where everything is, and I would be lost as hell trying to navigate this maze without him." Cas replied, laughing.

"Dean isn't the only one who's been here for a long time, dude. I could show you around a bit if you wanted." I dropped my pencil, unable to focus with Cas outside, me being mentioned multiple times. And now, even Frank was talking about me.

"i don't get why you don't like him, he's cool. I think I'll stick to following him around. Besides, Dean and I have a more similar schedule." I smiled at Cas turning Frank down.

"Either way, man. I just don't get how you're comfortable being in a dorm with him. See you at lunch tomorrow?"

"Yeah, sure. See you guys." Cas said, after what felt like hours of their conversation. The rest of the group said some variation of 'See you later', and Cas finally came inside.

"Hey, Dean." Cas greeted me as he walked in, tossing his bag onto his bed. Although we had the same classes all day, he had barely spoken to me after lunch, while he was busy with Frank and Edgar. 

"Hey." I replied, unable to bring together the energy to greet him in a nicer way. He furrowed his brows as he threw his jacket onto his chair and loosened his tie.

"Are you okay?" He asked, sounding concerned.

"Sure. Just... Trying to work, I guess. A little upset, but I'll be fine." I shrugged, and pretended to look at my science paper. The words swirled together, and I couldn't bring myself to focus on the paper.

" Dean, you don't sound fine. What happened? You were doing good this morning." He kicked his shoes off and walked over, sitting down on my bed.

I sighed. "I just... It's nothing, Cas. Nothing." I was irritated, and in my head I was begging myself to just open up to him, but instinct kept my mouth sealed.

Cas looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "Dean, I know you're upset. I care about you, I just wanna know what's upsetting you."

"Cas, it's you, okay?" I snapped. "You didn't even say a fucking word to me after lunch, and on top of that, you sat with the people who have beaten me up for years. And now you're suddenly a part of their little group. And I can't even begin to understand why you would hang out with that sack of shit. He's a fucking homophobe, and he's done nothing but make rude comments all day.. I mean, he fucking made a shot at me when you guys were standing out there talking."

" Dean..." Cas looked at me, and then down at his shoes. "I'm sorry."

"Cas, i didn't mean to snap at you like that, it's not your-"

"Yeah, it is, Dean. It's just... instinct, I guess. I want to fit in, you know? And I mean, I don't really like Frank or his group, and Edgar is okay, but still not as fun as you are. I'm sorry I ignored you, and I'm sorry I ditched you at lunch. I know you know that I'd rather spend my time with you than them. They wanted to go hang out in Frank's room, but they aren't really all that interesting, so I came back here."

I sat in silence for a second, looking down at the ground. I had just gone on a rant at Cas, and he didn't even deserve it. "Cas, I'm sorry." I looked back up at him, and he was looking at me, hoping I'd speak more. I focused in on his eyes, and I almost forgot what I was going to say. "I just don't want to see you hurt, and I guess it bugs me that you're so close to him now, and if we're even a little too friendly, he'll know we're a thing, and that puts you in danger."

"Dean. I don't care. We're a thing, you're my boyfriend, and I love that. Being acquaintances with Frank isn't going to change that, and even if he finds out, that doesn't mean we  wouldn't have each other." I got up and sat next to him, putting my head on his shoulder.

"I don't deserve you." I mumbled. "You're rational, and I overthink everything."

"Don't talk like that, you're amazing, Dean."  He turned to face me, and kissed me as I sat up. "Frank and his little friends aren't going to break us up, I like you way too much to let that happen."

I smiled and kissed him again. He moved to straddle me, and I fell backwards. He leaned over me and kissed me again.

We were both smiling, and everything was right again.

A/N: May or may not publish another small chapter today?? I have a little idea, then i have another, bigger idea that I really like. Anyway, I'll stop rambling now

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