Life Itself

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A/N:  Cazzzzual shout-out to Guilty_As__Charged who I force to read this /every/ time I update. Thank ye for putting up with me. Also! The attached picture is the uniform for SeaCoast.

~Dean View, 2:00 a.m., the day classes start~

I was running for my life. I tripped over a log, and cut my hands on the rough forest floor trying to get up before it caught me. I looked over my shoulder as I ran, finding that the horribly mangled body was still running after me, despite looking as if her limbs would no longer function. If you hadn't known her, you'd never be able to identify her in this state. Hair charred off, missing an arm, bleeding. Bleeding everywhere. 

'Please. Please stop!' I shouted, continuing to run. 

I suddenly found myself face to face with a chain link fence, thirty feet high with no other way around. I leapt up from the ground and started climbing, but with every step up I took, the taller the fence got, and the closer she got. She rattled the fence, starting slowly and eventually rattling it hard enough for me to lose my footing, falling ten feet right into her arms.

I woke up to shaking.

"No. No!"" I screamed, rolling away from the movement, still half in the nightmare.

"Dean? Dean, it's me. Cas. What's wrong?" He reassured, sitting down on my bed.

"J-just a nightmare is a-all. Go back t-to bed." I whispered, almost in tears. "Class starts tomorrow, y-ou need sleep."

"So do you."

"I'll be fine.

"Dean, please just tell me you're gonna be okay. You were screaming for someone to stop."

"It doesn't mean anything."

"Yes it does. It obviously does. You don't have to tell me, but I'm going to stay right here, in case you need me." Cas snuggled up next to me, prying his way under my blanket.

"Thank you." I said, my voice barely loud enough to be heard.


I woke up less suddenly this time to my second alarm, at 7:05. Cas groaned and rolled over, facing me now. I gently poked him in the shoulder until he woke up enough to open an eye.

"Classes start today." I reminded him, almost laughing. It looked like he hadn't remembered. He sat up straight as a bolt, looking around, then hopped out of bed and grabbed a towel from the stack of four that was given to us. He knocked, before bolting into the bathroom we shared with the dorm next to us and locking the door. I chuckled, and got up. I stretched, yawning loudly, before setting a uniform out for Cas on his bed, from his dresser. I had always been a shower-at-night type of guy, so I got dressed, and laced up my combat boots. As I stood up, Cas came out of the bathroom, dripping wet despite the towel around his waist.

"Dammit Cas, you're fucking getting the floor wet!"

"I have bigger problems right now Dean, I don't want to be late!"

"You're not gonna be late."

"Thank you for the uniform."


He threw the towel onto his pillow, and pulled a pair of underwear out of his bottom drawer and put them on. He looked at me as he turned to go back to his bed, blushing.

I laughed, and pulled out my phone to check my notifications. I had a few Instagram notifications, and an email. I checked my email first, seeing that it was the same email Seacoast sent out every year, welcoming students to the new year. I checked my Instagram notifications, and it was a few people liking a photo I posted of the Impala. I sighed, locked it, and tucked it under my pillow.

I looked up to see a fully dressed Castiel looking rather hot in the uniform, and putting his phone in his pocket. 

"Cas, leave your phone in here. You're not allowed to have it with you except at lunch, breaks, and when classes are over."

"Really? Like, you're not even allowed to have it with you?" He asked, pulling it out of his pocket anyway, and putting it in his dresser.

"Really." I said, laughing slightly. "It's only 7:18, let's get some breakfast real quick."

"Do we have to? I'm not hungry..." He said frowning, as he picked up his messenger bag.

"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day." I said, acting snobbish. I picked up my backpack, a plain black one with silver fastenings, and threw it over my shoulder as I grabbed my key to our room off my dresser, and shoved it in my pocket.

"Letsa go, Mario!" I shouted at him. He laughed, grabbing his wallet and keys, and leading the way out the door to the cafeteria.


Sorry about this teeny update but I am not currently in a writing mood and I don't know what tf to say. I'll start another draft tonight

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