7 Years

47 6 1

Dean view


"Yeah it does." I said grinning, poking my head out from behind a tree. I watched as Cas blushed, and stopped talking for a minute, then said goodbye and put his phone away, flustered, and looking at the ground. 

"Cat got your tongue?" I leaned against a tree calmly. No point in being worried. The worst Cas could do was get mad, yell, throw a couple punches, and I'd had that enough that it didn't scare me. Besides, Cas didn't seem like the type of person to do that.

Cas looked up at me, still blushing. "I- I guess you could say that." He stood there for half a minute, staring at me, before his phone went off loudly. He cursed, fumbling for it, checking it, and groaning. He hurried a reply, put it away, and looked at me. 

"Cas, you are red as a tomato, are you ok?" I say, grinning ear to ear in my usual fashion. If possible he gets even more red.

"I-I'm just gonna go back to the dorm room? I should uhm... Check my email. Yeah." He skitters off, leaving me leaning on the tree. I could infer from the signs Cas was giving off that he liked me, but one could also infer that he was just embarrassed or pissed that his roommate thought he was hot. Either way, I would give him space. He clearly had a reason he walked away. I got up from my spot by the tree, and walked to the senior parking lot to walk along the curbs when I saw a shiny (very shiny) silver Mercedes pull up into a space near me. I went to walk away hoping that they hadn't noticed me. I wasn't eager to get into a fight before the first day.

"Hey guys look! It's Weeny Deanie!" called the harsh voice of one of the people on the soccer team, Frank. The friends he had in his car laughed. They got out of the car, heading my way. I shook my head and walked away. It was better if I ignored them, until they touched me. I heard footsteps getting closer before all five of them were in front of me. 

"How was your summer, Deanie?" His arms moved, as if to push me backwards.


I looked over my shoulder while running, finally confident I had lost my bullies. I rounded a corner, to be pushed into the ground by one of them. I cried out, another mistake.

"Go ahead and cry, you baby. You're so weird. Guys get over here, and help me teach Dean he's a wacko." Frank's lackeys followed his voice, and came over me, I was dragged to my feet by two of them, Frank's fist curled and about to punch me. I closed my eyes, and sat nearly silently, as he punched me in the gut.


I blocked Frank's fist, kicking out at him, and landing a solid hit on his hip. He scowled at me, and one of his friends lurched forward to push me down, but I kicked him too, shoving him back. 

"Got a problem, Weenie? All I wanted to know was if you ever got a punishment during the summer for being what you are, you lousy bag of crap."

"Fuck you, Frank."

"Since when were we on a first name basis?" He landed a punch, and I swore.

"It's Mr. DiSota to you, freak." He said, as I shoved him back, finally getting the chance to run into the trees, where I had more of an advantage. Frank and his idiots had no idea how to climb, and they were not patient enough to wait until I came down.

I scaled a tree with relatively low branches once I was just out of sight, and sat on a branch about ten feet above ground. Frank and his group paced into the woods, looking around until they found me.

"Come down you little bitch! Too scared to take us on?"

"No, just not willing to spend my energy on you, you bag of homophobic shit."He leaned down to grab a branch.


I panted, on top of a branch that was barely steady enough to hold my eleven year old self. I saw Frank leaning down, his lackeys giggling. He lobbed a reasonably sized branch at my head, missing by just under three inches. I looked for any other way to escape, a neighbouring tree maybe, but there was nothing. He grabbed a rock this time, that hit my shoulder and nearly knocked me down.

I felt liquid starting to wet my shirt, and knew that my shoulder was now bleeding. I would patch it up just like my other wounds when I was back in the safety of a locked dorm room. They groaned, and impatiently glared at me. 

"Don't you have anything better to do?" I said, hoping they would leave soon. Instead, Frank sat down a stump, his friends standing around him.

"I've got all the time in the world, until dinner that is. But by then, you'll have damn near bled out, huh?" The cut on my shoulder was rather bad, and I should have just climbed down, ran, and patched it. However, if I did that, I would end up with more wounds.


The branch hit me in the gut, but barely fazed me. I stayed, as they continued to throw sticks at me for a good five minutes, either dodging them, or not showing pain. I didn't want any of them to get satisfaction from this. Frank screamed in exasperation.

"This isn't over you pussy! When I finish settling, I'm coming for you." He stormed out to the direction of the dorm rooms, his lackeys following. I stayed in the tree another five minutes, just to be sure, I was glad I was wearing a black shirt; there were several cuts and scrapes on me from sticks and rocks that were gradually bloodying my shirt.

I carefully and silently climbed down.


I took care to be silent as a mouse exiting the forest, hoping Frank had indeed left and was eating dinner in the cafeteria. I snuck past the main hall, and into my room. I had no roommate yet, it was still two days before classes. I peeled my bloody shirt off, and tossed it in my empty laundry bin. I grabbed a roll of gauze out of my dresser drawer, and bandaged my shirt in the mirror before I threw on another shirt and curled up in bed, passing out almost instantly once I knew i was safe again.


I panted as I entered the dorm room, I had run over from the forest, not wanting to take any chances that I didn't have to. Cas looked up from his laptop as I came in, and instantly noticed my wounds.

"Dean?! A- are you okay?" I nodded, taking my shirt off, and putting it in my dirty laundry pile. I grabbed my roll of gauze from my dresser, undoing the packaging. This had been the first  time this year I'd been hurt. Cas stood up and took the gauze from me. He started to wrap my arm, which was bleeding pretty badly in comparison. He put the gauze down after cutting and securing it.

"What the hell happened to you?" He asked, his face sympathetic.

"Frank. It's fine, it happens." I sat down on my bed.

"It's not fine, Dean, it's fucked up. How long has this Frank dude done this to you?"

"My entire life. I'm used to it. This isn't even the worst."

"You don't deserve this. You should tell someone.

"You barely know shit about me, how do you know I don't deserve it? And if I tell anyone, nothing will happen. It's not even worth trying."

Cas sighed and shook his head, sitting down on his bed, staring at the floor.


Author's note

Holy crap guys I am so sorry for not updating. It has been /so/ hectic. My school gets out on 5/26/16 and that's also when I promote! I've been making so many things happen in such short time, and it is so overwhelming. I've also been working more hours lately, so I can buy a new guitar soon. Things are good, and hopefully I update more now! Remember, you can always message/kik me if you really really want an update :D XD

Weep For The Rebel's End- DestielWhere stories live. Discover now