Let's Kill Tonight

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A/N: Heyy, guess who finally updated this for the first time in *checks calendar* Seven months? Me! Yeah, anyway, I don't really know how many people read this, but for the people who do, here's an update. 

 ~Cas pov~

I caught up to Dean as he headed out the door. "Is that normal for Ms. O'Berne? That's completely insane, making him write an essay for being late on the first day?" I said, as I walked with him down to the end of the hall. He shrugged.

"That's Ms.O'Berne for you. My best advice is just never to be late... Or early, come to think of it. Oh, and by the way, Edgar has history with you, so I told him he should find you sometime."

I smiled. "Nice, maybe we can all eat lunch together or something." We waved as he made a right turn and I walked straight ahead to my history class. I looked around and found Edgar settling in at a desk in the middle of the room. I sat down next to him, putting my bag on the desk. "Hi, I'm Cas." I introduced myself and smiled. He looked around to make sure I was talking to him, and extended my hand. I shook it as he introduced himself.

"I'm Edgar," He said. "Dean told me about you, you guys are friends, right?" I nodded, as the bell rung. I took out my notebook and listened to Mr. Kinsley speak about what we would be going over this year. Specifically, the course was for American history, and we'd be starting at the first British colony in North America. Throughout the entire class period, the only thing I learned was that Mr. Kinsley was not a very engaging teacher.


The next class period, Dean p.o.v.

The bell rung and I walked into the corridor, stretching. I saw Cas talking to Edgar and heading my way, so I joined them on the walk to the art room. 

"What's up guys?" I said when neither of them were speaking. 

"Not much, but me and Edgar actually get along really well. Turns out he has art too!" Cas smiled at me. I smiled back and we talked about the art program at Seacoast until we walked into the room to find a line on one side of the classroom, and nametags on the desks. 

The bell rung and the teacher, who  just went by Corey, stood up from their desk. We joined the students on the wall quickly, and listened.

"Hello everyone, my name is Corey Nelhertz, and I'll be teaching you guys everything I possibly can about art. This class in the past has been very loose, but due to some... incidents last year, you will have assigned desks."

They started assigning desks, and it took two tables to get to anyone I actually cared about.

"Table three! Frank, Edgar, Castiel, and George. And Frank, you're diagonal from George. Don't think I don't know how much you talk to him. Table four! Dean, Benny, and Kevin. And again, Dean and Benny, you're diagonal from each other. It's nice to see you two back here again."

They continued to talk, and I sat down at my table, annoyed by Cas's seating. Frank was always a dick to me, and I didn't want to see anything bad happen to him. Watching them from behind, I watched them shake hands, and then Cas laughed at something he said. It looked like Frank already knew Edgar, and they also got along. I got worried, but pushed it out of my mind. Art was always a class where we got started on the first day, so I got a pencil out to sketch with as Corey set a pair of sunglasses on a table in the center of the room for us to draw from our own perspectives. Last year, I liked to swap around so I never drew anything from the same angle as anything else, but I guessed that wouldn't be happening today. 

Another reason I had always liked art was the quiet of the room, and the large picturesque windows on the east wall. The sun came through and lit up the room instead of the fluorescent lights in the rest of the school, and there was a small view of the lake. Sometimes, on free days, I would draw the lake and the forest. The art room was one of my happy places at Seacoast, even after school hours. Me and Benny liked to hang out in here because Corey kept Frank and his friends out, and it had the nicest view out of most of the places we could go. 

My mind ran as I sketched, and listened to Castiel, Frank, and Edgar speaking quietly in front me.

"Who's your roommate?" Castiel asked Edgar.

"Frank actually, that's how we already knew each other." He responded. 

Cas laughed. "That makes sense, I'm such an idiot. That's cool though."

It was odd to hear Frank's voice in a calm and friendly tone. I couldn't recall the last time I'd heard him being polite, and it definitely hadn't been to me. The bell rung, snapping me out of my daze. I packed up my stuff, but before I could ask Edgar if he would sit with me and Cas for lunch, he'd walked out of the room alongside Frank, Cas, and George. I sighed, and picked my bag up off my desk.

"You okay?" I heard Benny ask me, worry in his voice.

"I'll be fine." I responded. "Let's go get some food, I'm starving." He led the way out of Corey's room and to the dining hall and I followed behind him, deep in thought.


Cas p.o.v.

Frank told a joke, and me and Edgar laughed. I opened the dining hall doors for them, and we went through the lunch line relatively quickly. Today being the first day back, the main lunch option was pizza, which we all agreed with. We walked to the back, and I remembered what Dean had said once during breakfast. 


"The tables that seat four are for staff, and the back is where the dickweeds sit." Dean advised,


I mentally shrugged, and sat down with Frank and Edgar, and a few other of Frank's friends. I took a few bites of my pizza, making idle conversation with the boys between bites. I saw Dean sit down a couple tables away, and motioned him over subtly. He turned his head to the side like I was crazy, and started to eat as his friend Benny sat down with him. I turned back to the conversation at my table, and asked Edgar where he was originally from, making a note in my head to talk to Dean when I got a minute.


Wow, over a thousand words :). I know it's not much, but I've been really out of it lately. The last few months have been really odd. I mean, I made some pretty cool friends, but also I've been really stressed. I'm glad I finally updated though, and I have plot written out for the next chapter, so it shouldn't be as long until I post the next chapter :)

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