I Don't Care

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A/N Ok so I swear I started this the day after the last update, but then Netflix walked into my room and seduced me with supernatural and oitnb so it's not my fault XD Anyway, here's your update.

p.s. this is based on the FOB song, not I don't care ( i love it)


~Cas view~

"Dean, just leave it. I've made a big deal out of this whole fucking thing." I snapped, walking around him, and towards the school, but I only made it a few steps before Dean grabbed my shoulder, holding me back.

"Cas, wait. I freaked out, okay? I woke up, and I found myself on your bed, naked, with beer cans scattered along the floor. So I left. I didn't know you would have wanted me to stay, and I left to get more beer." He pointed at Benny in the car, who waved and held up the beer.

"Who even is that in the car?" I said, turning my head to the side in curiosity.

"Oh, right! That's Benny, he's a friend of mine. He goes to Seacoast too, obviously." He laughed nervously.

"Okie dokie then. Anyway, Dean, it's fine." I said, turning and walking again to the school. Dean didn't grab my shoulder this time.

"Want a ride back?" Dean called out, sounding like he wanted me with him. I turned around and waited for a second, before nodding, and walking back towards the Impala. Dean jogged over, opening the driver's side door, and telling Benny to get in the back.

"Dean, it's fine I can sit in the back."

"Okay, but I'd rather you sit in the front." He said, smirking. Benny rolled his eyes, and sat in the backseat. Me and Dean got in the front seat, and he started the car, pulling out of the lot and roaring down the road.


Five hours later


"Hey Dean?" I say, while still staring at my laptop, browsing Tumblr aimlessly.

"Hmm?" He responds, sounding half asleep.

"When are the meals served here? Like, I know they're crappy but it's probably cheaper than the diner or buying groceries."

" Breakfast is served 6:30 to 7:30, lunch before the official year starts is 11:30 to 1:30, and dinner is 5:30 to 6:30." He mumbled. I heard him sit up, and I guess he must've been asleep.

"Sorry for waking you up." I said, turning and getting up, sitting down on my bed. I picked up my phone, turning on the screen to check my notifications and seeing text messages, missed calls, and a Facebook notification. "Fuuuuck." I mumbled, unlocking my phone, and checking to see who the missed calls were from. Both were from Balthazar. I checked my texts, and it was just the same, all from Balthazar. There were seventeen.

B: Ok Cas,  didn't text your for like a day after you hung up bc I thought maybe you were busy with your new boyyyyfrieeend but now I'm bored and lonely

B: Casssssssssss

B: Cas jfc it's been fifteen minutes is your phone on silent, you always reply to your texts

B: Are you busy screwing Dean ;)

B: Cas I am  l o n e l y

B: C


B: S

B: T

B: I

B: E

B: L

B: Cas it has been  h o u r s  where are youuuu

B: Is your phone dead??

B: Maybe you were murdered

B: At this point I'd be fine with that *turns head and shuns*

B: Okay yeah no we both know I wouldn't be so pick up your damn phone and answer your damn texts XD

I laughed, and started typing back

"Ooooh who're you texting?" Dean says, getting up and sitting on my bed next to me, having woken up a bit more. I held my phone to my chest, looking like a deer in the headlights. He laughed, and made it look like he was going to walk away, but grabbed my phone as soon as I started to bring it away from my chest, running to his side of the room, and scrolling up.

"Dean!" I yelled, jumping up after him, and trying to grab it back, but he was already reading the texts, that were somewhat about him, so I just sat on his bed, staring at the wall in annoyance.

"Well to be fair, at the time 'Balthazar' sent that, I was screwing you, so they were close." He said, laughing. He gave my phone back and I tried to hold back a laugh and look mad, but I just couldn't. I ended up giggling a bit, and flicking him in the ear several times before he turned and playfully tackled me.

His face ended up inches from mine, and he leaned in slightly. I closed the distance, kissing him sweetly. He deepened the kiss, and moved his right leg so he was straddling me.

I felt my phone buzz in my hand, and ignored it. It buzzed a second time, and i threw it across the bed.

Screw that I thought, wrapping my arms around Dean's neck.

B: Cas?

B: Cas please, I really need someone to talk to


Ok I recently noticed that I have 21 followers! I'm really happy, and idk if any of you get what a boost of confidence this has given me. Thanks everyone!

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