Partners in Crime

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A/N: Guys pls help me I'm obsessed with the Sherlock Parody. That's what this's bein written to btw. Also homework has been worse than usual lately and I have to practice like an hour more than normal sooooo yeah sorry for no updates. Also I'm currently doing very well so :)

Dean POV


We walked down the hallway laughing, and I can't even remember what was so funny. I opened the door for him in a grand gesture and whispered "Chivalry." to him in an absolutely awful British accent.

He blushed and walked in, and I followed him. We both picked a tray and got breakfast burritos, bacon, and chocolate milk. This was definitely someone I could spend a while with. Thank whoever sets the dorms for rooming me with Cas.



I sat down directly to Dean's left, with the exact same breakfast as me. " So what class do you have first? I asked him, taking my schedule out of my pocket. 

He mumbled through a large bite of breakfast burrito, "Imfich, oo?"

I laughed, and tried to interpret what he said. "I've got english too. Or at least I think that's what you said."

He nodded, swallowing and taking a drink of his milk. "You know me so well." Dean laughed, before finishing off his milk. He could chug pretty much anything, I'd realized. He took a pocketwatch out of his jacket pocket, and checked the time. "We've got like, ten minutes. You wanna just take the burrito and go? You forgot your backpack, and the English room is pretty far from our dorm. "

I facepalmed, before drinking a ton of my milk and standing up with my tray. "Only I could do something this stupid." I mumbled. Dean stood up with me, and followed me to the trash cans to dump everything but our burritos, which we took with us as we hurried back to the dorm.

By the time we'd reached the dorm, it was nearly the time to be in the classroom. "Dean, just go to class, I don't want you to be late." I said, as I hurriedly tried to unlock the door, taking a bit to get the key in the hole correctly.

"I know our english teacher already. She won't care if I'm late, trust me. Get your bag, and let's go."

"Do you know her from last year? And why wouldn't she care if you were late? " 

"I'll answer that later."

I grabbed my messenger bag, and slung it over my shoulder, locking the door behind me as we went to the end of the hall to the exit, to cross most of the campus, walking in two minutes after the bell.

Dean POV


We walked in a couple minutes after the bell. Well, Cas ran, I walked.

"Sit down gentlemen." Ms. O'Berne said as we came in, seeing me and giving me a small glare over the top of her glasses. We sat down, and she started her speech about what the coming year would be like for us, when around ten minutes in, another boy walked in late.

"I-I'm sorry Ms." He looked down at the schedule in his hand. "O'Berne."

"Sit down. you'll also be sitting down for an extra hour in study hall today." She stated, turning back to the class. " In addition to writing an essay on each of the novels we read, you will be required to write an auto-biography of your school year at the end, shortly before you graduate. They will be entered in a competition, and the winner will read their's at graduation."

"But Ms.O'Berne, I'm new! I don't know the class, how is study hall appropriate for me being late on the first day?!" The boy continued.

"What is your name, young man?" She asked, the dreaded false sweetness in her voice.

"Edgar. Edgar Larochelles." He replied, uncertainty in his voice as she stood up and walked over.

"Well Edgar, because you obviously need help, You're going to go on a tour of our school this hour with someone who isn't new. Then, you will write e a paper describing everything of importance around campus. You will not need to attend study hall, though it may be helpful for you. It's due tomorrow." Everyone 'oooooh'd as she went back to her desk and wrote his assignment in her planner. "Dean! Show Mr. Larochelles around campus for me, would you?"

"Of course, Ms O'Berne." I put my notebook in my bag, and swung it over my shoulder and walked over to Edgar.

Edgar POV


I sighed as the boy walked over to me. Was there ever a time where I could just not get into trouble on the first day?

"Hello Edgar, I'm Dean." I looked up from staring at my shoes to see green eyes and a smirk floating in front of me. His face focused in, and I stopped staring.

"H-hi Dean." Dean raised an eyebrow, and opened the door. I followed him out, making sure the door clicked behind me.

"You really got yourself in shit, man. Never mess with O'Berne, but I suspect you've learned that by now." He laughed, as he lead me to the taller building near the road my parents had taken up to the school to drop me off a few days ago. "That's the administration building." He said, pointing over at it. " There isn't much reason to be in there, unless you want to buy a sweatshirt or talk to the principle."

"Is Ms. O'Berne like this to everyone, or did I get on her bad side? " I asked, having to look up at him to ask. I was a good three inches shorter than Dean.

"She's like that to mostly everybody, but I think most of the teachers have a soft spot for me." He said, giggling about something like there was an inside joke that I was missing out on. 

"That over there," He pointed at the open space. "Is where the fields are. Track, football, tennis courts, et cetera. All the sports are over there, and the gym building is just to the left."

I zoned out as I watched him speak, following behind him pretty much unconsciously. The next twenty-five minutes were rather uneventful. The campus was quite large, and it took a while to get around the whole thing. We were headed back to Ms. O'Berne's room by the time either of us went off the topic of the campus.

"So how do the dances and things work here?" I asked. He had mentioned dances while we were by the courtyard, large and concrete with a granite fountain in the center, and said they were held in there.

"Well I said before, they're held in the main courtyard and it's typically only five dollars a ticket but it can go up if they can't .raise enough money. Our sister school comes over for dances, and occasionally we go over there for dances too. There's some sort of shuttle that takes us."

"We have a sister school?"

"Yep, North Shoreridge. They're a town over but it's only a thirty minute drive." He answered, as he opened the door to Ms.O'Berne's room. I walked in and stood by the door while Dean walked to his seat.

"Ah, Mr.Larochelles, you're back. Did you learn enough about the campus to write me your essay?"

"Yes, I did."

"Good. Sit down anywhere, and be quiet. You can get the notes from a classmate at a later time." I sat in an empty seat directly behind Dean, and let my thoughts roam for the remainder of the period.


What are your opinions on Edgar? I have soooooooo many plans for this story so stay tuned and bug me if you want updates. Don't forget to vote/comment. I like feedback, and knowing people actually read what I write!

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