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I gently got off the bed, being careful not to wake Dean. I felt around for my phone in the dark, eventually finding it on my desk. I unlocked it and texted Balthazar.

C: Heyy Balth. You up? Text me

It took only a few minutes for him to respond.

B: You haven't texted me in days, I was beginning to think you forgot about me ;-; But other than that, I am up and ready to hear your updates on the boarding school ~experience~ 

C: I'm sorry, Balth, but you know I'd never forget you. It's been a little... Hectic.

B: Hectic?  Do tell

C: Okay so first of all, me and Dean are indeed a thing, as you predicted. And also there's this Edgar guy who's kinda cool in a weird way. Like, he's kinda creepy, but other than that, he's cool. And so Edgar was hanging out with me and Dean, but I don't have history with Dean, so we went off, and I had lunch with him, and we were sitting with Frank, this awful homophobe who's beaten up Dean in the past, and when I got back to the dorm, Dean was apparently kinda hurt that I ditched him, which is understandable, but we're good now. Like really good. Like definitely still a thing. But other than Dean and Edgar, there aren't really that many friendly people here. I miss you ;-;

B: Okay wow that was a lot lmao. I miss you too, barely anyone talks to me anymore... ;-; But oh well. I'm glad you and Dean are 'really good' ;)

C: I should call you some time. We can't use our phones at all during the day though, like we have to leave them in our dorms, kill me.  But maybe this weekend I can call you and we can talk for a while.

B: Sucks that you can't have your phone on you, but oh well. 

B: I'm gonna get some sleep, I have a history test tomorrow, but I'll text you sometime

C: Okie dokie, ttyl

I set my phone down again, and carefully crawled back into my bed with Dean. 

Weep For The Rebel's End- DestielWhere stories live. Discover now