Chapter 1: Prologue

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Tris' Point Of View:

I wake up in the morning and notice I'm in Tobias' room. I can't believe it's been 2 whole weeks since initiation ended. Tobias and I have already told our friends about are relationship. All of them were shocked, except Christina who always said I acted weird around him. I look at the time and see it's 7:00, I have an hour before I have to go to the tattoo parlor to help Tori. Today is the day, I'll finally be ready to actually give someone a tattoo, I've been training for a week, which I personally don't think is enough time. Tori said I could give someone a tattoo on my first day I refused because I said I had no experience whatsoever. I smell eggs and pancakes I think, that's odd. Tobias usually leaves for work early on Thursdays to work in the control room. I get out of bed and head t othe bathroom to brush my hair so it's not completely and utterly messy.

"Good morning Tris," I hear Tobias say as soon as I walk in the room.  "Good morning Tobias, what are you making. Also, don't you work early today?" I ask "Yep, I got up two hours earlier and came back before you even woke up to make you breakfast." I up at him lovingly, "that has got to be the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me, thank you so much." He smiles back at me "Your welcome," then kisses my forehead. He sets down two plates and puts down bacon, scrambled eggs, and buttermilk pancakes on both. Then heads to the refrigerator and gets dauntless cake.
"You do know it's like 7:15 in the morning, right?" I say with a hint of sarcasm in my voice. "Yep," he replies, "but who says I can't have came in the morning?" I sigh, knowing that there is absolutely no way that he's not eating this. After we eat our breakfast and he gorges himself in dauntless cake, we sit in silence for a bit. Then he says, "Oh, I forgot to tell you that Zeke invited us to go to his apartment to play Candor of Dauntless tonight. Do you want to come?" I think about it, and would love to say yes. But, I don't know what Candor or Dauntless is, and I don't wanna ask because that would be stupid. "Candor or Dauntless is like truth or dare pretty much, but if you don't want to answer the truth or do the dare you have to drink a cup of hot sauce." It was like he read my mind, but then I remember that we are both from abnegation and  since this was the first time I played it I wouldn't know how. "Well then I'll see you tonight, I gotta go" I say. "Bye"

Good? bad? anything you want to see this is more of a prologue. Truth or dares?

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