Chapter 5: Training

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A/N: Super sorry I haven't updated in a while, with school starting my schedule has been hectic and now I'm in an after school activity (meaning I have some sort of a life) my goal is to update at least once every week to 10 days. And when I have time I will spam you with new updates. I'm super excited people are enjoying this, and I will stop ranting so you can get to the chapter, or if you've already skipped this which is cool too.  

Tobias wakes me up and tells me to meet him in the training room and that the initiates will be there a few minutes later. As I walk into the room, I remember my initiation, standing in front on the target having knives thrown at me, Tobias teaching me how to punch properly, getting knocked unconscious. Not all are fond memories, but they will always remain true.

Tobias and I are almost finished setting the knives on the table when the initiates start arriving.

"All of grab three knives and throw them at the target. Four will demonstrate." I say. He picks up three knives and walks toward an empty target. 

"Anyone brave enough to stand in front of this target?" Tobias asks. They all look at each other, "While you throw the knives?" Phoebe asks. 

"Yes." He says like it's no big deal. Even if they knew how accurate he threw, no one would volunteer. "T-Six, would you stand in front of the target."  His voice is loud and I see some initiates quivering.

I stand in front of the target and my mind gets completely distracted from my actual surroundings. I remember vividly of my initiation and Tobias cutting my ear. The memories are still so fresh in my mind. Even after so much has changed in a year.

I come back to reality as the third knife comes whirring at me, if it was even a half a centimeter closer it would've perfectly hit my ear. Although, this time round there'd be no purpose.

"Now, get started!" I yell as I walk back towards Tobias. We talk for about an hour on what we think of the initiates. Occasionally we'll correct their techniques,  but most of them have it down pretty well by the hour and a half mark. 

Besides Melanie, of course, who's desperate for attention. After 5 or 10 minutes she'll 'accidentally' drop one of her knives. "Oops! Four can you please show how to hold and throw the knife." Melanie says.

"Oh, I'll show her Four." I say sweetly with layered sarcasm. 

"I didn't ask for you  help Six." she says snarky.

"I know, but you said you needed help, and I can help you just as well as Four. Also, don't sass any of your instructors." I say.

She rolls her eyes and throws a knife at the board, it actually hits this time, so we can finally stop. 

"Okay, listen up initiates!" I shout. "For the next twenty-five minutes we will be showing you what will happen tomorrow."

Tobias continues, "First, we will teach you fighting skills and you will be paired up to fight. No one will be cut during the fights." 

"About that," Eric says and he strolls into the room, "I have to correct you. No one will be cut until the last round, in which case the person with the least amount of points gets kicked out." He smirks.

"Kicked out? What does that mean? Where do you go?" Miles asks. 

"Well, obviously you can't go back to your old faction, so to the factionless." Eric responds. You can tell the joy and glee he's getting from being able to kick people out of Dauntless again. 

"One person will be sent to live with the factionless each round." He chuckles to himself, "I guess I'll let the two numbers take it away." He strolls right back out the way he came.

"There are three rounds, and the first are you're fighting skills, the second two are basically the same. We'l explain them to you towards the ends of you fights." Tobias describes.

I end with, "Get a good nights rest since you'll be woken up at 5am to practice till 6. Then, breakfast, then right back to more fighting. "

The initiates leave and Tobias and I walk back to our shared apartment. We have to discuss who to pair up with who and the standing so far. 

Christina is frantically motioning at us in front of our apartment, she looks serious. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"We have to go to the hospital to see..."


Yes, I just ended on a cliche cliffhanger, I had to. Sorry for updating so late (& the cliffhanger) and I hope to update more often for you guys. Vote, comment, and all that other stuff.

<4 bookfandomprincess <4

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