Chapter 4

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Tris' POV
I wake up and check the time, I'm going to be late for my job at the tattoo parlor. I curse under my breath.

"Tobias?!" I call out. "You still here?" I hear sizzling from the kitchen and follow the noise, finding Tobias making pancakes and eggs. I go up behind him wrapping my arms around his mid-section.

"Morning Tris," Tobias says as he turns around and kisses my forehead. "You sleep well?" I nod, "I've gotta go get dressed I'm going to be late for the tattoo parlor."

I start to leave, when I hear "Tris this year's initiation starts today." My eyes widen, "What!? I totally forgot!"

He chuckles, "It means you have more time to get ready. You still wanna go by Six?"

I nod, "Yeah, I'm sure." I head to the bathroom to take a shower. After I get out I throw on a black thick strap tank top and black sweats.

I go back to the kitchen and see Tobias setting out two plates of food. "What, no dauntless cake?" I joke.

"Very funny Six." He emphasizes. "Now go stand in front of the target."

"I still have the mark you know." I roll my eyes and sigh. "Eric is freaking tyrant and sounds like a brainwashed washed-up model."

"You probably shouldn't say those things, it's hard enough to keep you safe without you threatening Dauntless officials." Tobias says. "Not that I don't understand where you're coming from of course."

We have a whole conversation about keeping me safe and government officials in the Dauntless faction.

"We should be heading out now." Tobias says. He had already gotten ready before I woke up. So we put our dishes in the sink and left.

As we walk to the net where I took my first jump into Dauntless, it floods my mind with memories of my first few days here.

I can't believe that now I'm a trainer, it's all very surreal to me. I remember finding Tobias drunk by the chasm, Molly gladly beating me up, Peter stabbing Edward with the butterknife and Al...

We finally arrive and just in time. Tobias and I are training the transfers and Christina and Uriah are training the Dauntless-born, under the supervision of Eric.

The first initiate jumps, he's an Erudite, which I find ironic since he jumped into the unknown first. I know why he transferred now.

They're were 9 Dauntless-born, Ben, Stacy, Jasmine, Kate, Trey, Lincoln, Steve, Thomas, Rachel, and Kent.

There we're 3 more but one died from suicide, the other from murder, and the other drunkenly fell into the chasm.

Along with the 7 transfers, a lot less than last year. Adam, a Candor, Tonya, an Amity, Jeremiah, an Abnegation, Melanie, an Erudite, Phoebe, a Candor, Miles, an Erudite and Darren, a Candor. Somehow, someone had convinced Eric to not cut as many people as last year. Only 5 will get cut, which I still wish was none, but it's a start.

After they all are settled, or as settled as you can be after jumping off a building Tobias shouts, "Welcome to Dauntless! I'm Four and that's Six and we will be the transfers' instructors."

Phoebe asks, "Four and Six, like the numbers? Did your parents get lazy." She chuckles, but Tobias wasn't having it just like last year. "Yeah, do you have a problem with that." She looks down, "No."

We walk down a tunnel and then there's a split, the transfers and Dauntless-born go their separate ways.

Four shows the transfers the Pit and Chasm. "And who made up those names?" Phoebe asks, a few chuckle.

Tobias' face stiffens as he glares at her. "If I wanted to put up with Candor smart-mouths I would've joined their faction. Your first lesson to survive in Dauntless, shut your mouth."

"The chasm reminds us that there is a fine line between bravery and idiocy." I start. "A daredevil jump will end your life."  "Happens every year, it'll happen this year." Tobias says.

We show them where they'll be living for initiation. Melanie looks disgusted, "Umm, please tell me there's a different place for us ladies."

"No," I say, "They are separate showers on the other side of the room."

"Ugh-uh! This is unethical and illogical and statistically speakin-"

"Can it know-it-all! Your second lesson, forget your parents faction. Faction before blood, don't forget it." Tobias says. "Meet us for lunch in the dining hall, we passed it going through the Pit, at 12:30."

"That gives you a little over an hour, use it wisely." I add.

Tobias and I head back to our apartment. I fall onto the bed, "Exhausted?" He chuckles. "Now I understand why you were so annoyed with us, and hard on us." I softly laugh.

"Not the easiest job in Dauntless, some people may say it's the hardest. But I'd much rather do this than be a head of Dauntless."

He sighs, "Take a nap, I'll wake you up in an hour when we have to leave. The day is just getting started."

A/N: I am so sorry I haven't updated recently (and that it's late) I'm trying to make an update schedule for the rest of the summer. Then also one for when school starts. 62 reads is AMAZING! 😘6️⃣2️⃣😘

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