Chapter 8

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(A/N the shot glasses can be filled with whatever you want :) 

When we get into Zeke and Uriah's apartment, Zeke runs up to us pulling us inside.

"You're LATE! Hurry up!" He shouts slinging us onto a couch.

I look around the room and see Will, on a couch to my left, and he was sitting next to Uriah, and Marlene next to him, then Shauna. Christina is sitting on the floor in between Will's legs. Zeke is sitting on a one cushion couch and Shauna is sitting on the ottoman in front of it.

"Since everyone is here now, finally," Zeke says glaring at us, "we can start. I go first."

Uriah scoffs, "says who?" 

"Says me," he says as if it's obvious, "Tobias! Candor or Dauntless?" Zeke asks in an almost deviously taunting tone. 

I look at him, begging him silently not to choose Dauntless. 

"Candor," Tobias says.

"Why is your name Four?" he asks with a big smirk still evident on his face.

"Because I only have four fears." he replies nonchalantly.

I look at Tobias confused, and he looks back at me the same. We were both expecting something harsher. He's probably going to use a horrible one for me. 

We play a couple round until Uriah states. "I'm bored. GAME TWO!" Zeke gets up and gives everyone a cup of water and brings a tray of shot glasses. 

Marlene slaps his stomach for making her jump. "You want to feel my abs!" he shouts.

"You mean your flab," Shauna retorts. Zeke was drinking his water and spit it out all over the back of Shauna's hair. 

"EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" she shouts. We all start laughing and Uriah shouts, "Bored again, let's start."

Shauna continues looking disgusted and scoots onto the floor, but still, agrees. 

"We're going to play Never Have I Ever," Zeke says and continues to explain the game. 

"Okay, so if you say never I have I ever eaten a pretzel and I have I drink one of the glasses." 

"Yes, but please don't use that in the game." Zeke laughs. 

I slightly blush and he says, "Newbie starts," Zeke says, "that's you Tris."

I say, "Never have I ever eaten a whole Dauntless cake." Tobias, Zeke, Uriah, Will, and Lynn all take a shot.

Shauna, Marlene, and I look disgusted at the boys. "What?! It's really good!" Tobias and Zeke protest to Marlene and me. 

We both look at each other, then back at are boyfriend and roll our eyes. Uriah just sits there with Marlene glaring at him until she gives up, knowing nothing she can do will change him.

We spent the whole day playing back and forth between the two games and we all sleep there too, because they have another two games to play tomorrow, just great. 


Hey, I hope you enjoyed! Tell me if you like it and what you want to see! Please don't forget to comment and vote! If you like it, share it with your friends!


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