After Math

49 39 3

I jump out of bed , and take a quick shower. When I get down stairs Hunter and his mom , and my dad are all ready down here.

~I go to school ~

When I walk through my front door .... I see Marta ,dad , and hunter in the living room ...? What's going on ...?!?

" Dylan can we talk ?"my dad said .

" no ! I'm over it we can go out
Now "I said with a smile on my face .

" oh ... Ok well.. what ever you say . So then why not pile up in my car, and go down town for some shopping ." My dad said grabbing his keys to his other truck .

I pull out my head phones ,and popped it in my ear , so I don't have to listen to my dads old people Music . I feel a tug on one of my head phones , then it falls out . I look over to see Hunter putting it in his ear . I quickly stop the music .

" Hey!! Play the music " he said looking at me confused .

" um no get your own " I said pulling the head phone out of his ear .

We make it to a large shopping center . We all go into different stores . I haven't really seen any thing I like . I will just wait . We all walk into forever 21 . I look around for a sec . Every thing in here is cute but not my taste .

" I think you should buy this " Hunter said coming around the corner . In his hands he held a ripped white extra short shorts . They look like a thing I would were if i was a stripper .

" Uh ah! No no no that's got to be burn " I said crossing my arms .

"It's way to short Hunter , what the hell are you try to make me ?" I said grabbing it from his hands ,and throwing it over the cloths rack .

" I'm trying to make your hot " he said grabbing it off the cloths rack . What the hell am i not hot to him or something . Am I not " pretty " enough for his standards . Maybe his standards are strippers . Now I'm pissed he even said that to me .

" Shut up ass ! I don't need your advice to make me look like a stripper thank you but no thank you  " i said aggravated. I walk to the jewelry part of the store ,and look around for a sec . My eyes stop at the cutes thing in the world . A simple skinny sliver chain with at tiny infinity sign with diamonds in it . It was so simple but so gorgeous . I look at the price tag .... My eyes literally fell out my head . 300$ OH! MY! GOD! . I started pouting , and put the bracelet down .

" DYLAN!! Let's go " my dad yelled across the store .

" ok dad" I said walking his way. I can hear rustling behind me . I turn around to see Hunter trying to get his big body through the cloths racks . I giggle really loud he looks like a idiot . Oh wait he always looks like a idiot . I giggle even louder .

" what's so funny ?" Hunter said walking up beside me .

" nothing ! " I said giggling really loud .

" whatever...?  " he said quietly putting his hands in his pocket . Me and my dad and Hunter and his mom are walking out the store , Martha stops ....

" I need to pick some things up from the store for dinner tonight " Martha said rumbling through her bag . Taking out a grocery list . Dinner ..!? Who said she was making dinner tonight ...? That's my job .

" there's a Target near here " my dad suggested .

" that will work John " she said . We pile into the car ,and start to the Target near here . We make it to the Target , and park near the front .

" you kids can look around I will be here for a second looking for some stuff for dinner " Martha said scrolling her list .

" k mom " Hunter said walking towards the back , near the electronics . My dad followed Martha to the food section . I guess I could look for some new cloths . I look at this cute navy blue blouse with little white polkadots on it .

" that would look cute on you " a boy said in front of me . I look up to see a male Target employe folding shirts in front of me . He was HOT ! like I mean really HOT ! . He has dirty blonde hair that fell at such a angle . He has bright blue eyes , that looked like polished  diamonds . He was TALL maybe not Hunter tall , but about his height .

" oh ... Really your think so ?" I said kinda blushing .

" yeah ! I think it would look great . The blue really complaints you're eyes " he said with the most adorable smirk .

" well if you like it so much I think I will try it on " I said blushing really hard and giggling .

" I'll show you the dressing rooms follow me " he said smiling and walking the opposite direction . I follow him to a rooms Behind the girls section . He hands me a little card with the number 10 on it . I walk into the first dressing room . Oh my god he handed me a 10 does that mean he thinks I'm a ten ??? I think it was a flook , but what ever .

I put on the blouse , and walk out . He was waiting right out side the dressing room for me . I gave him a twirl , making sure hey could see a the full circumference of me .

" what do you think ?" I said putting my hair up . He gets a good look at me smirking the whole time . He moves his hands to my cleavage area ... He ties a bow in the strings at the top .

" there !!! Now you look stunning " he said smiling big .

" thanks !!" I said blushing and smiling back .

" I can ring you up over here " he said going behind the counter ,I follow him .

" debit or credit ?" He said pushing some buttons on the monitor.

" debit !!!" I sad searching my bag for my card .

" I need your card ... And your number " he said blushing lightly . Now my face is a full on tomato, I hand him my card with a piece of paper with my number on it . That I had wrote on napkin in my bag . He swipes my card , and shoves the paper in his pocket .

" here you go " he said handing me my card , and my Bag .

" I problaby should go my dad is problaby worried " I said giggling .

" wait ... Maybe we could hang out to some time " he suggested .

" HOW ABOUT NO !!!" Hunter said . I turn around to see a very pissed giant . This is funny I start to giggle .

" it's that your boy friend ?" he said .

" EW ! no never ... He's more like a nuisance...Hunter go away you don't tell me what to do " I said crossing my arms .Hunter grabs my arm .

" let's go your dad is ready to go " he said tugging on me . Im trying to pull away , but his grip is to strong . I look back at the boy I never got his name to DANG IT !!, I wave to him . He waves back still smiling .

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