That Moment

41 37 5

~ after the date~

"I had fun hanging out with you
tonight " Daniel said smiling .

" I did too thanks for this ... Honesty haven't been out in ages " I said laughing .

" no problem my pleasure " he said giggling . He starts to lean into me . Oh no he's going for a kiss !!!! I Quickly move me head and hug him . He smelt really good , like the ocean with a hint of banana.

We let go ,and we just stare at each other for a few seconds .

" SO!! Let's do this again sometime ?" I said smiling .

" uh... YEAH..." He mutters . I start to unlock the door . I turn around ,and wave good bye . He smiles and waves back, starting done the stone path . He gets in his car and , drives off .

I close the door behind me , it's dark . Its 1:49 am ,way past my curfew . I don't turn on any lights , that mite wake my dad ,and the others . I stumble  up the stairs . I make so much noise that I am surprise that my dad doesn't wake up .

I quickly go into my room ,and close he door . I turn on my dim lamp light next to my bed .

"GASP!!!" I jump startled ... Hunters is in my bed sleeping . He lays under the covers sound asleep . What am I going to do I can't wake him up . He mite tell my dad I was late . I can't move him he weighs like a billion time more then I can carry .

I toss my cloths on the floor and grab my p.j from the dresser . I turn off the light and Jump into the bed on the opposite side of Hunter . It's weird having another human being in my bed . For a boy he sleep so quietly . I go on my phone for a another two hours youtubing , and snap chatting . I put my phone on the charger , and turn over to get more comfortable . My back is to Hunter , and it feels weird .

~Time skip~

I wake up feeling content . It was honestly one of the best rest I had in a long time ... It was like sleeping on a warm cloud of fluff . What is that ????. Something is rapped around my waist ..? I lean up a little .Hunters arm is rapped around my waist ??? HE WAS HOLDING ME!!!!!!!. I can't believe this no no no noooooo . I slowly move his hand off me ,then move over so I can have my space back . I turn my head ....... Hunters eyes open staring me dead in my face .

" what's wrong? " he said with a sleepy voice .

" WHATS WRONG !! did you really just say that . It's bad enough you were sleeping in my bed , but holding me that's way to far " I quietly yelled .

" I honestly don't see the problem are parents would never come in here, and we didn't have sex whats the problem ?" He said closing his eyes ,and going back to sleep . I slapped his arm making him open his eyes .

" the problem is I'm dating some one in this like cheating so sorry not sorry I can't do this . I get out of the bed, and stumble down stairs . Martha is in the back by the pool tanning ,and my dad is grilling . I walk out there .

" isn't it a little early to be grilling ?" I said leaning in the glass door frame .

" we're having a little party if you went you can Invite some over your friends COUGH!! ... Two to come over " he said flipping a burger . Monday it was Labor Day but we weren't off , but they gave us Thursday off ... could have gave us Friday but no , ugh school System are so weird sometimes .

" that's would be cool" Hunter said walking up behind me ,and resting his muscly body on mine . I blush a little then walked away . I text my friends skyler to come over , she said totally . Then I texted Daniel , it took him a second to respond . He said he would come .

I take a quick shower then put on a icy blue dress with white at the top ,and just let down my wavy hair . I go down stairs to go outside next to the pool . I sit in the seat under the umbrella , and relax.

Hunter pulls the seat right in front of me ,and sits there . With nothing on but swimming trunks , and a pare of aviator shades . Why does he do this , he Go's from sleeping in my bed to holding me , now he shirtless again .

" what do you want ?" I said Irritated.

" whoa attitude , and nothing i'm just sitting here like you " he said leaning back . A few minutes later my friend skylar got here .

I run to open the door . I open it , and my jaw drops . She is wearing the sluty-est bathing suit ever . It was hot pink with little triangles covering her boobs . The rest was thin pencil like traps , and I mean the rest .

" what in the hell are You wearing ?!!!"I Yelled with a inside voice .

" um what does it look like ? I'm wearing a bathing suit " she said smiling .

" NO!!!.... Your not your wearing shoe laces around your Areas " I said irritated .

" Come on I have to Put you in a real bathing suit " I said pulling her up stairs . I change her In a yellow bathing suit with flowers on it .

" there you look like a human " I said sighing in relief .

" this is so ugly !! This is something a fifth grader would wear to her friends pool party . Plus Why are you wearing a sun dress , are you not swimming ? " she said groaning .

" Im wearing a swim suit under it , and at least that fifth grader has respect for her body ". I Said rubbing sun block on her arms .

" so your saying I have no respect for my body ??? ... Hah your probably right " she said giggling .

" hey aren't Hunters friends coming over to ?" She said tilting her head in confusion.

" yeah ! ... I think so " I said not so sure .

" OH MY GOD YEEEEEEE !!!! a bunch of hot muscly jocks in one house " she said blushing and screaming .

" I mean if you say so " I said rubbing sun block on her legs .

" so how's living with Hunter , I Haven't been able to ask since I got my phone taken away " she said starring into space .

" I mean it's good he's a little weird , and get this he ... DING!! DING!! " the door bell interrupted .

" YAY BOOYYSS" skyler said running down Stairs .

" oh great there here ... UGH !!" I groaned .

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