She's Beautiful

42 37 6

~Hunters P.O.V~ the pic is Dylan
Cute I know XD

I walked up to the door ,and open it . My friends Mark, and Christ were standing at the door . I smiled , and gave them a fist bump .

" so how living her with a .. You know a GIRL !!" Mark said giggling with Christ . I roll my eyes .

" it's fine I guess she a little bossy ,and always has a problem with me ... But I guess it could be worst " I said crossing my arms .

"Well if I was you I would try to get with her " Christ said winking his left eyes twice .

" right like she would let me " I said laughing . There's stumbling down the stairs and Skylar came running towards us . Dylan walked Down the stairs slow, but with confidence . I smile at the thought of her modesty . What I would kill ... Just to hold her again .

" So Hunter how are you ?" Skylar said putting her hands behind her back ,and blushing .

" ummm.... I'm good " I said confused . I think she trying to flirt maybe i should flirt back that mite make Dylan confess her feelings for me ....

" no actually I'm good , and your bathing suit is hot " I said smiling . Dylan's face was so surprised . Skylar blushed and giggles , she skipped off to the back were the pool is . Dylan stared at me then followed her .

" dude what was that ?" Christ said tapping my shoulder .

" it's called flirting ... Learn it " I said smirking .

" I thought you didn't like her ? " Christ said scratching his head .

" I don't " I said blindly .

" I don't follow ?" Mark said .

" just follow me " I said starting to the back yard . Skylar is in the pool and Dylan is sitting under the umbrella . My mom is reading on her nook right next to John grilling .

" HEY!! Hunter you hungry ? John said flipping a burger .

" no I'm good " I said walking past him .

" I AM !!!! " Mark and Christ said swarming John . I walk to the side of the pool with steps ,and slowly get in . I trying not to make a big splash . I look into the Corner of my eye , and see Dylan looking at me . She had her hands between her legs pulling down her dress .

The water comes to my waist , at the three feet mark . I cuff water in my hands , and poor it across my face ,and head slicking my hair back . Out the corner of my eye I could see skylar biting her bottom lip . I looked at Dylan she was looking away from me , and down at her phone . That was a waste , well at least some one looked ... I guess .

I swim for about a few minutes , challenging my self to see how long I can hold my breath . I come up to get a breathe , and I open my eyes . Dylan was on her phone , then jumps up She runs in the house . I wonder were she going so fast for . She was in there for a few minutes so I mossy around the pool with a floaty .

She comes back locked arms with ..DANIEL !!!!

" DAD! This is Daniel " she announced smiling ...

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