Unknown Faces

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*Above is Kana, a character I created. She wields a sickle and chain, and has short blue hair with purple tips. Her eyes are a light brown, almost a dark amber color. Typically, she wears gold lion armor around her shoulders, knees and waist. On her thigh are senbons, and a weight is connected to the end of the chain. Fast as lightning, she's been known and revered as a 'God' throughout her lands, and is easily angered. Small and petite, she's able to slip past enemies easily and uses her size to her advantage. (P.S - This is her human form) You'll come to find out how she came to travel with Naruto, and just what their relationship is!*


Tsunade's Point Of View

"I need a drink..." Tsunade mumbled as she shoved a pillar of paper away. Outside, the city was bright compared to the dark sky stretching over Konaha. Resting her head in her arms, she sighed as she mulled over today's events.

A tendril of her blonde hair fell in her face, and she blew it out of her face. Tired, Tsunade stood up and was about to leave when there was a knock on the door. Sighing and returning to her seat, Tsunade answered, "Come in." She watched as an ANBU entered, wearing a cat mask.

"Hokage-Sama," he said, and Tsunade nodded. A headache pulsed in the back of her head as she waited for him to speak.

"We've received notice of two unidentified figures a few miles away." Tsunade sat straighter and her eyebrows drew together in confusion as she glanced at him.

"What do they look like?" she asked, and the ANBU shifted uncomfortably.

"That...could not be confirmed..." Tsunade's eyebrows rose as she stood, and the ANBU seemed to take a step back. For a moment, a glimpse of her old spunk returned as she smiled, and walked around the desk. As she passed the ANBU, she spoke.

"I'll be investigating this...figure. Summon Hyuga Hinata, Haruno Sakura, and Hatake Kakashi...have them assembled in five minutes." Leaving the room with a 'Hai', the ANBU vanished as Tsunade smiled. There hadn't been an interesting case in awhile, and yet...she couldn't shake a feeling that this would be different.


Naruto's Point Of View

I leapt out of the tree, landing silently on my feet. A few seconds later, Kana was beside me, her short hair settling back into place as she stopped.

       "Now what?" She asked, and I paused, waiting. Holding a hand up to my lips, I grabbed her hand and pulled her back into the tree line just as a group of ANBU broke into the clearing. Among them was a pinkette, a violet-haired Byakugan user, and a silver-haired man who stood wearily beside a large-chested woman. Her dark eyes scanned the clearing, and Kana shifted next to me.

       "What's going on?" I shook my head, pointing toward the group. I could tell that they were all powerful ninja, but I wasn't sure what level Kana was just yet.

       "Do you see them, Sakura?" The silver-haired man asked the pinkette Sakura. She shook her head, and he narrowed his eyes. I checked to ensure our chakra signatures were hidden before motioning to Kana to get ready to move. If at all possible, I'd prefer to avoid conflict...

       "Tsunade-sama," the violet said as she stepped forward, "I can attempt to find them." She faced toward us, and I bit my lip. Trading looks with Kana, I raised my hand.

       "Byakugan!" Violet-haired shouted as veins appeared around her eyes, and I gave the signal as we both jumped away. Instantly, I knew it was too late and I could hear as they pursued us.


       I'm okay, Naruto. Should we fight?

       No. Avoid confrontation at all costs...I have no idea what level you're at, and they have ANBU with them.

       So...should we split up and meet up at the set place or stay together and hope for the best?

       If we split up, there's a chance you could be easily defeated and dragged back to their headquarters....but if we stay together, there's no telling what could happen.

       I still say fighting is our best option.


       I'm just stating an opinion! Chill, Demon King. How about this: we split up - only long enough to set a few traps, and then lead them and snare them with your new Justu. It still doesn't mean direct confrontation. Plus, you get to try out that new wicked cool jutsu you created.

       You know that Jutsu's risky, Kana...but that does seem like our best option. Okay, I'll set the traps and you lead them away. Remember, don't reveal your face, no matter what.

       Got it, Boss. See ya on the flip side.

     And with that, the connection was broken and Kana flashed Naruto a small grin before tearing off to the left. Immediately, Naruto vanished from the trees and appeared on the other side of the clearing. Sighing as he glanced up at the dark sky, he contacted the fox spirit inside him.

   Hey, Karuma.

   Kit, is there something you need?

   Do you mind helping me lay a barrier trap?

    Sure, I'll be out in a moment.

     After a few seconds, a golden eyed man appeared in front of me. Karuma wore a black kimono with golden threads forming a small fox on the hem, matching his gold, slitted eyes. Reddish brown fox ears twitched upon his head of red hair. Two gold beads captured his bangs, and the rest of his red hair hung loosely, reaching a little below his shoulders. Tall and lean, Karuma could pass as royalty if not for his eyes and ears and the expensive jewelry that was (supposedly) given to him by a royal family.

       "How can I be of assistance?" Karuma asked. His golden eyes glanced around at first, scanning his surroundings for enemies and threats. Finally, he seemed to settle down.

       "We need to lay a trap for our pursuers, but I was thinking we should just create a barrier and let Kana slip through before I release that Jutsu." I said, and Karuma nodded as he smiled. Delight gleamed in his eyes.

       "Alright! I haven't had any real fun in a while." Grinning as he lifted a hand, I shook my head sighing.

       "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" We both shouted and a clone for each of us emerged from clouds of dust. Nodding, Karuma took the east, his clone the west, I went south and my clone headed north. I guess he was right...we hadn't met any real opponents in a while.


Hello, and it's 3Yori3 again! So, comment what you thought about this chapter, Kana, Karuma, and anything else. I would also really appreciate if you would vote for this novel, but it's your choice. And just a fun idea, comment what you think Kana's relationship to Naruto should be! Until next time!

                                             ~ 3Yori3

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