Tōi genjitsu

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Naruto. I only own my OCs like Kana and the plot line of this book. Tōi genjitsu means Distant Reality in Japanese by the way!
Kana's Point Of View

Karuma had come back a few hours later, and Kana had already made dinner so we sat down. Kana filled the silence with chatter, while Karuma and Naruto listened silently. After finishing, Naruto excused himself and left without another word. After he did, Kana turned to Karuma.

"What did you do?" She asked and Karuma raised his hands in defense.

"I didn't do any, Kana!" He said and Kana crossed her arms over her chest. Glaring at Karuma, she watched as he set his chopsticks down.

"I took him to see Tsubasa." He said and Kana's eyebrows knitted together.

"That doesn't make sense...Tsubasa couldn't do anything to place him in this mood." She said and Karuma bit his lip.

"Kana." He said, "I want you to keep an eye on Naruto. Can you do that?" He asked and Kana nodded slowly.

"Why?" Kana tilted her head and Karuma sighed. He couldn't tell her...

"Can you just look after him for me, please?" Karuma said and Kana shut her mouth. After a moment, the two resumed eating in silence.

~ Time Skip ~

"Ehh?" Naruto asked and Kana watched as he talked to Tsubasa. The old tree was taller than any building in this world, and she cast a shadow over the golden field.

"I said that you need to learn how to control your emotions before I can teach you the transformation." Tsubasa said, and Naruto jumped up, pointing a finger at the tree.

"You said you would teach me how to be like Karuma!" He shouted, and Kana heard as Tsubasa sighed. Kana shook her head as Naruto began to rant. After Karuma calmed him down, Tsubasa began to explain.

"When in that form, the littlest hint of anger can lead to a rampage. In that state, you become a little more instinctual, if not animalistic. For example, before Karuma was able to enter that state, I put him through training to control his emotions." Tsubasa said, and Naruto tilted his head, pouting.

"So I won't be able to use that state?" He asked and Kana mentally face palmed.

"At least not until you learn to keep your emotions in check." Tsubasa said and Naruto bit his lip nodding.

"How do I learn to do that?" Naruto asked and a branch reached out to wrap around his face.

"Karuma will teach you, young man. But at the same time, you must reel in your emotions and learn to see through deception." She said and this time Kana was confused. What did having to see through deception have to do with this?

"How am I going to do that?" Naruto said and Tsubasa's branch shifted from his face to his back as she turned his around.

"I'm going to put you into a reality that will test your abilities. Karuma will be with you, but he will only be able to give you minimal help. Call him only when you can no longer stay in that world and we will pull you out. Do you understand, young man?" Tsubasa said and Naruto nodded slowly. As he walked, Karuma followed Naruto as Kana watched from a little aways. Once the two were where Tsubasa deemed right, she spoke.

"Are you sure you're ready?" Tsubasa asked and Naruto nodded. Kana saw that his tails were parallel to the ground and his ears pressed flat against his ears. She bit her lip as they disappeared.

"I hope you'll be okay..."

Karuma's Point Of View

Karuma stood besides Naruto as the two appeared in what seemed like a street. It was deserted, and there were faint sounds in the distance as Karuma turned around in circles.

"Where are we?" He asked and found Naruto standing with his fists clenched. After closing his eyes, Naruto uttered one word through clenched teeth.

"Konoha." Karuma bit his lip, knowing very well what memories he would have to relive in order to move past this stage. Karuma silently prayed that he wouldn't relive one moment that Karuma knew would shatter him.

"We should get moving." Naruto suddenly said and began walking away. In the darkness of that alleyway, Karuma saw the pain the boy held and followed behind with a sad gaze. As they walked, the two passed closed shops and were met with hostile glares and foul words. But instead of retaliating, Naruto simply clenched his fists and ignored them.

        But Karuma could see the blood seeping from his fist, and sent glares of his own towards the villagers. But then, Karuma noticed a small blonde-headed figure running past them. Naruto had stopped too upon seeing the little boy, and turned his head to look at the red-faced shopkeeper that was standing in front of the door.

"And don't come back, monster!" He shouted as he slammed the door shut. Karuma looked back at the little boy and saw that he had tears in his eyes. At the same time, Naruto was watching with burning eyes.

        The little boy had scrambled to his feet and was running away. Before he knew it, Karuma was struggling to keep up with a sprinting older Naruto. Once they stopped, Naruto was biting his lip so much until it bled as the two watched the younger Naruto sob. His hands were covering his eyes and his cries heart-breaking. As Karuma watched, he remembered watching watching like a far off bystander, through a foggy looking glass.

"Why do they hate me so much? What did I do?!" Little Naruto wailed and Karuma glanced at the older Naruto. His eyes were dark, and his face shadowed by his bangs. Karuma inwardly cursed. Damn it...why did it have to be his childhood?

"Let's go." Naruto said, and Karuma's head snapped up as Naruto began walking away. He cast one last glance at the younger Naruto before following. Naruto's usual bubbly attitude was gone, replaced by a cold silence that send chills down Karuma's spine. He'd never seen Naruto like this...

"Demons should burn in Hell!" Karuma snapped out of his thoughts when he heard shouting and found villagers screaming at an eight year old Naruto.

"How even let him into the Academy?!" Another hissed and the younger Naruto backed away and started running back to his house. Hateful glares were glued to his back as he ran with tears streaming down his face.

"I can't figure out why the Hokage hasn't killed him already!" One villager said and Karuma growled. His eyes flashed, a dangerous red, and his nine tails began to swirl around him. He'd never been that good at keeping his emotions in check...

"Forget it, Karuma." Naruto said without turning around and Karuma slowly returned to normal, gazing sadly at the blonde-headed boy. He followed Naruto as he walked through the dark streets. Seeing this side of Naruto, Karuma was reminded of the darkness that was slowly consuming him.

What are your thoughts on this? Just what is going through Naruto's head? How is this going to help him keep his emotions in check? Tell me your thoughts on the chapter and Naruto's behavior! Vote please! It would make me really happy! ♥️


{ Also, what pairings do you guys think I should use? Kana x Naruto, Hinata x Naruto or someone else? But please know that this IS NOT going to be yayoi. Well, until next time! }

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