My Band Mate's & Me(Re-write)

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Andy Biersack likes someone...

And by like i mean head over hills in love

And by someone i mean people...four people

everything else is literal....

you see Mr. Andy Biersack is in love with his fellow band mates Ashley Prudy, Jake Pitts, jinxx Ferguson, and Cc Coma.

"its not like its a big deal or anything, i mean come on im just stuck on the bus with a bunch of hot people that have cute moments......OK so maybe this will be a little harder then i thought."

so why don't you join us as we go on this journey of love, life and never giving in this is black veil brides my band mates and me.


the following might be triggering to some readers are listed below but are not limited to:

* Andy embarrassing himself *

* he said she said jokes *

* cute moments that may or may not make you cry *

* fluff and smut *

* crying *

* bitch fits *

* going up just like a rocket * (if you got that i will love you forever)

well if you haven't notice im really really bad at warnings..... but eh

so yea you have been warned...... well not really but you get the jest. so yea enjoy!!!

My band mates & me *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now