Chapter 10

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Ashley's POV.

Ok I'm tried of what ever is going on between jinxx and jake they need to make up. Like seriously. So I gathered them two and cc in the back room while andy was outside smoking. Once they all go in I started to talk.

"ok I'm tired of you two always trying to make the other jealous, it's stupid." I paused and looked at them the continued

"Now make up" they looked at each other and mumbled a 'sorry' and looked at me. I gave them a 'we can do this the easy way or the hard way' look and they looked at each other again and started making out hot and heavy. Once they pulled away I said "now that's better" I smiled and pulled cc,jake,and jinxx into a group hug.

Then jinxx spoke up "Guys,i have something to tell you" we pulled away and looked at him with curiosity.

"well i feel kinda bad that we haven't told Andy ya know about us. but i know so of us aren't ready yet what do we do about it" i sighed i was one of the people not ready to tell Andy mostly because i wanted to wait to the end of tour. so encase of any drama or something we can settle it in not such a closed environment 

"well, i'm ready but i want to wait till we go home from tour so we can settle it with out it being so awkward." i said

"Well this is good right....I mean we all like him so we can just ask him to date us right?" Cc asked

"well, we could but we don't even know if he is gay or bi or what ever he is. we should slowly introduce him to this ya know nice and easy?" jinxx said

" I GOT AN IDEA!!!" Cc yelled. we all 'shushed' him. and asked what.

"Well how about we mess with him a little?" cc asked with an evil smirk on his face.....this can't be good.

"What do you mean?" jake asked

"Well,since we don't know why don't we test him a little" cc said wiggling his eyebrows. we looked at each other not getting it. cc sighed smacking his forehead, shaking it.

"i'll explain....." cc said bringing us in to tell us the plain.

Cc's POV.

For the next 30 minutes we discussed our plan I still can't believe I came up with it myself. Andy had came back in 15 minutes ago and started watching batman. We all decided since it was my idea I would go first to tease Andy. We all walked out to the 'living room' and watched batman I sat beside Andy, he looked at me and smile i returned it and we continued the movie. this is going to me fun!

(Sorry it took so long to update, and for it being short......yea but for the next chapter how do you guys think cc should tease andy? comment plz! ill update as soon a possible. and thank you for all the votes and reads!!! <3 love you guys)

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