Chapter 5

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Andy's POV.

It's been four days since Me and Ashley talked ,the boys are still kinda off? If you will maybe I'm just worrying to much.Every time I look at him or one of the boys they look away or are on their phones. We have tomorrow off so we are staying at a hotel. I'm rooming with Ashley like I always do because I feel like we are the closest out of everyone.Some how the desk got our rooms messed up so our rooms are on different floors mine and Ashley's are on the 5th. Cc and Jon are on the 3rd. Jake and jinxx are on the 2nd. On the way to the room me and Ashley didn't talk,it was driving me crazy. It's hard for the person that you are in love with won't talk to you. We finally get to the room and I lost it I can't take it no more.

"Ashley it's been four days and you or the boys haven't talked to me not once. Please what is going on?!?!?! I yelled

Ashley looks up

"Andy nothing's Wrong I just didn't want to make you upset" with that he looks at his cowboy boots. I sighed

"Ashley, listen I'm not so much upset as I am worried it's just you guys are my family and I can't help but feel like I'm not helping enough" I wanted to cry

"It's ok all I want was to tell you it's ok we are all fine and we are just a little tired we will be back to out weirdo selfs soon enough." With that he walked over to me and gave me a huge. I hugged him back not wanting to let go and just tell him how I felt about him and the guys. After a minute I let go.

"Well I'm going to go to bed I'm kinda tired" I didn't realize how tired I was until I yawned..

" yea me too I'll see ya in a hour or two" with that he walked to his bed and fell asleep after 5 minutes i fell asleep as well.

Ashley POV.

Once I knew andy was asleep I walked over to his bag a grabbed his notebook maybe there is something he's not telling us and it's in this notebook. Should I look? No this is Andy's private stuff and it should remain that way. I put his notebook back in his bag and went back to bed. There is something else he's not telling me and I'm going to find out!!

I just want Andy to be ok I don't think he noticed he is the one that is acting a little 'strange'.....

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