Chapter 1

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Andy's POV.

Well I'm bored out of my mind! Right now I'm sitting on our tour bus heading to Georgia. Oh I'm sorry, my name is Andy biersack I'm the lead singer of my band black veil brides. OK so enough about who I am. Let's focus on the situation at hand. Well let me tell you what's going on. OK I Andy biersack am in love....Doesn't seem like a big deal does it. Well it's a guy....still not a big deal how about if I said it was four guys....that are my band mates!!! Yea you see the problem. GGRR!!! This is so frustrating!! I hit my head on the table with a loud 'bang' I heard Ashley come in.

" hey, Andy you OK I heard a noise."

I looked up to see Ashley just out of the shower. Wet hair, no shirt (like always) with those big brown eyes,and those beautiful plump pink lips. I bit my lip to keep from moaning.

"Y-y-yeah I'm fine."

Wow Andy way to play it smooth.

" are you sure, because your turning red."

Oh god!! I'm blushing!!

" yea I think I'm sick probably have a fever"

Yea that's it lying always makes it better. He looked at me with a questioning look then shook his head.

" yeah sure what ever you say dude" with that he walks away.

God that was close. I lay my head back on the couch and close my eyes and try to relax. It was about two minute before cc and Jake come busting through the door.

"HEYYYY!!! WHATS UP!!!" Cc yells

Boy they guys hyper...that just makes me love him more. him and all his weirdness who wouldn't love him?

OK six months on the bus with all these hot guys....not so bad right I can get through this right?

I'm screwed!!!!!

My band mates & me *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now